If you're interested in #distanceeducation or #teacherPD, Visit go.edc.org/07xd to check out Distance Education for Teacher Training: Modes, Models and Methods. Drawing on data from 188 countries & 700 publications, this comprehensive guide explores DE technologies & approaches for pre- and in-service educators. It offers the most detailed, gup-to-date information on the key elements of DE for teacher learning, including the massive move to online learning during the global pandemic.
If you're interested in #distanceeducation or #teacherPD, Visit go.edc.org/07xd to check out Distance Education for Teacher Training: Modes, Models and Methods. Drawing on data from 188 countries & 700 publications, this comprehensive guide explores DE technologies & approaches for pre- and in-service educators. It offers the most detailed, gup-to-date information on the key elements of DE for teacher learning, including the massive move to online learning during the global pandemic.
"Online Education as a Discipline" (2021) was the culmination of 25 years, and has been read by 7,000+ teachers and researchers worldwide at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353073973 (15 recommendations) and https://doi.org/10.20935/AL434
Educators and scholars in all fields should find the article informative. It has been cited mostly in reference to Emergency Remote Teaching, but it goes beyond that issue to the role of academics in society, and the case of #India. It defines terms including online education, and starts by explaining the difference between a field and a discipline.
🦣 group to follow and participate in: @OnlineEducation
@edutooters @academicchatter
#OnlineLearning #OnlineTeaching #DistanceEducation #OnlineEducation #BlendedLearning #Education #HigherEducation #AcademicMastodon #ScholarlyCommunications #Japan
#India #onlinelearning #onlineteaching #DistanceEducation #onlineeducation #blendedlearning #Education #highereducation #academicmastodon #scholarlycommunications #japan
"Online Education as a Discipline" (2021) was the culmination of 25 years, and has been read by nearly 7,000 teachers and researchers worldwide at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353073973 and https://www.academia.edu/45386298
At ResearchGate there have been 15 recommendations, and they found a citation to the article in a new book by the British Council, Language Teaching Experiences during Covid-19, available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/367077519
Educators and scholars in all fields should find the article informative. It has been cited mostly in reference to Emergency Remote Teaching during the pandemic, but it actually goes way beyond that issue to the role of academics in society, providing many definitions.
🦣 group for you: @OnlineEducation
#OnlineLearning #OnlineTeaching #DistanceEducation #OnlineEducation #BlendedLearning #OpenAccess #Education #HigherEducation #AcademicMastodon #ScholarlyCommunications #Japan #India #LanguageTeaching #EmergencyRemoteTeaching
#onlinelearning #onlineteaching #DistanceEducation #onlineeducation #blendedlearning #openaccess #Education #highereducation #academicmastodon #scholarlycommunications #japan #India #languageteaching #emergencyremoteteaching
Pleased to see this major handbook formally published with a minor contribution from me on “Leading in Changing Times: Building a Transformative Culture”. Lots of good reading… https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-981-19-2080-6_28 #digitaleducation #onlinelearning #DistanceEducation #elearning
#digitaleducation #onlinelearning #DistanceEducation #elearning
#Curation can be enjoyable, backing up publications in #research #repositories. Although I haven't ever paid, somehow followers have soared over 700 on https://wilmina.academia.edu/SteveMcCarty
"Online Education as a Discipline" has over 6,000 views at
https://www.academia.edu/45386298 and 15 recommendations somehow at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353073973
This short paper explains what a discipline is, then goes deeply into international and interdisciplinary issues of online education as an academic discipline.
How about joining the 🦣 group @OnlineEducation (like you follow someone, then you receive or share posts with that address)?
#OnlineLearning #OnlineTeaching #DistanceEducation #OnlineEducation #BlendedLearning #podcasting #EducationalTechnology #EdTech #openedtech #OpenEducation #OpenAccess #OER #Education #HigherEducation #HigherEd #AcademicMastodon #AcademicFedi #AcademicToots #ScholarlyCommunications
@edutooter @academicchatter
@mbrownz @AlejandraPickett @JoseMarichal
#curation #Research #repositories #onlinelearning #onlineteaching #DistanceEducation #onlineeducation #blendedlearning #podcasting #educationaltechnology #edtech #OpenEdTech #openeducation #openaccess #oer #Education #highereducation #highered #academicmastodon #AcademicFedi #academictoots #scholarlycommunications
Greetings from Japan! I've just set up a 🦣 Online Education group for digital pedagogy or the educational application of technologies such as social media, video, podcasting, online classes or conferences, and what have you.
If you follow @OnlineEducation like you follow a person, you can see or share posts addressed to the group. I set it so that I and others cannot see who the members are until you comment or post to the group.
My publications in the field of online education are linked from https://wilmina.academia.edu/SteveMcCarty/Online-Education or https://japanned.hcommons.org/e-learning
Watch for my article on #podcasting very soon. A culmination of 27 years is "Online Education as a Discipline" (2021): https://doi.org/10.20935/AL434
#Education #HigherEducation #EdTech #openedtech #OpenEducation #OpenAccess #OER #EducationalTechnology
#OnlineLearning #OnlineTeaching #DistanceEducation #OnlineEducation #BlendedLearning
@edutooter @edutooters
@dougholton @sharedthinking @AlejandraPickett
@martinbetts @attacus @cheryanne @davew
#podcasting #Education #highereducation #edtech #OpenEdTech #openeducation #openaccess #oer #educationaltechnology #onlinelearning #onlineteaching #DistanceEducation #onlineeducation #blendedlearning
It's a small world when #OnlineLearning expert Curt Bonk of Indiana University presents a Webinar based in Canada and recommends #podcasting by my Indian colleague in Tashkent and my Japancasting channel.
Curt's tour de force "How to Use Shared Online Videos, Podcasts and Webcasts to Engage Online Learners" is reported at https://teachonline.ca/webinar/how-use-shared-online-videos-podcasts-and-webcasts-engage-online-learners
Japancasting topics so far: #Japanese #legends & #religions, society & #education, and #Asian #cultures
See details about #Japancasting #podcasts, related articles, and videos at https://japanned.hcommons.org/multimedia
This content is redone, because server trouble lost the toot and most of my followers. Therefore, please confirm that you are following me if desired. Thank you!
#EdTech #openedtech #openeducation #OpenAccess #OER #DistanceEducation #OnlineEducation #LanguageEducation #EducationalTechnology @martinbetts @dougholton @sharedthinking @AlejandraPickett
@jalt @edutooters @japodon
@religidons @religion
#onlinelearning #podcasting #japanese #legends #religions #Education #asian #cultures #Japancasting #podcasts #edtech #OpenEdTech #openeducation #openaccess #oer #DistanceEducation #onlineeducation #languageeducation #educationaltechnology
#CorrespondencePME has morphed quite a bit over the yrs. The old box o' books & proctored tests have come a long way to present day #distanceeducation & tech makes it better every yr. Heather Smigowski joins @ronaldgranieri #WAR_ROOM
#war_room #DistanceEducation #correspondencepme
Active in #OnlineEducation from here in #Japan since 1995, this short paper is the culmination of my work:
"Online Education as a Discipline." https://doi.org/10.20935/AL434
It has been read by over 6,000 researchers since 2021 on Academia Edu at https://www.academia.edu/45386298 but reviewers and readers haven't fully noticed how it goes beyond emergency remote teaching and #BlendedLearning to #disciplinarity and #interdisciplinarity,
#ProfessionalEthics #FacultyDevelopment, and #India's institutional culture of education.
From the Abstract: the paper "explains what a discipline is by clarifying the difference between a field and a discipline. Then it explains what online education is, as an academic discipline. It discusses disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity issues relevant to all academic fields."
Please read it and respond!
@edutooters @digisociety dougholton@mastodon.social @sharedthinking @AlejandraPickett @mguhlin
#Education #EdTech
#HigherEducation #OnlineTeaching #DistanceEducation
#DistanceEducation #onlineteaching #highereducation #edtech #Education #India #facultydevelopment #ProfessionalEthics #interdisciplinarity #disciplinarity #blendedlearning #japan #onlineeducation
RT @AnitaSamuel28@twitter.com
#DistanceEducation is beyond technology and faculty support. It's an ecosystem of student support, policies, planning, course design, evaluation, marketing & promotion. Leaders need to take this broader view. @OLCToday@twitter.com #olcaccelerate
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AnitaSamuel28/status/1592246631990431746
#olcaccelerate #DistanceEducation
@AnnGP @ericfredericksen @ltbrown Here are some common hashtags #TwitterMigration #EduTooter #Education #EdTech #Librarians #Teachers #HigherEducation #Professor #GoogleEdu #OnlineLearning #OnlineTeaching #DistanceEducation - note each word in a hashtag is a cap for accessibility. To follow #education people add your self to an #EduTooter list via Google Forms https://tinyurl.com/joinedutooters. Then you can follow people on the list: .https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1beJHWsuB0MJDMqeg_q8pBRWRdQImY-n8E6PttoJLFaM/edit?usp=sharing :)
#DistanceEducation #onlineteaching #onlinelearning #GoogleEDU #professor #highereducation #teachers #librarians #edtech #education #edutooter #twittermigration
Interested in understanding the definitions, scope & purpose of the US DoE regulation on Regular & Substantive Interaction (#RSI) in #DistanceEducation? Join me tomorrow at 2:15pm Southern Hemisphere II https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/olc-accelerate-2022-session-page/?session=11199&kwds= #OLCAccelerate #OnlineTeaching #OnlineLearning
#onlinelearning #onlineteaching #olcaccelerate #DistanceEducation #rsi
Well, I'm now here, too.
Lecturer in Education & Technology and Faculty Learning Technology Lead at IOE, University College London.
I teach Learning Design with UCL Knowledge Lab's LD platform.
#EdTech #OnlineLearning #DistanceEducation #HigherEducation
#LearningDesign #LearningSciences #TechnologyTransfer #InnovationAdoption
Other interests: #Audio #Video #Sound #MusicProduction #MediaProduction #PerformingArts #MassParticipation #CharityGovernance
#CharityGovernance #MassParticipation #performingarts #mediaproduction #musicproduction #sound #video #audio #InnovationAdoption #TechnologyTransfer #learningsciences #learningdesign #HigherEducation #DistanceEducation #OnlineLearning #edtech
Hi, I'm new here too! I'm an #English #Language #Teacher #ELT & interested in #AppliedLinguistics, #Elearning, #DistanceEducation, #Moodle, #InstructionalDesign, & #CogSci, among many other related topics. Hit me up & let's follow each other! :)
#cogsci #instructionaldesign #moodle #DistanceEducation #elearning #appliedlinguistics #elt #teacher #language #english
தொலைதூர கல்வி, திறந்தநிலை கல்விகளுக்கான ஆன்லைன் வகுப்புகளை தொடங்க விண்ணப்பிக்கலாம்! யுஜிசி https://patrikai.com/apply-for-online-classes-for-open-education-and-distance-education-ugc/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#DistanceEducation #OpenUniversity #UGC #Education #admissions @ugc_india@twitter.com
#admissions #education #ugc #OpenUniversity #DistanceEducation