poratlu · @poratlu
43 followers · 811 posts · Server scicomm.xyz

@charliewood on Jean Écalle’s resurgence theory—how to go beyond the pertubation theory of divergent series in quantum field theory, to the underlying exact result—


I can’t remotely keep up with this, but it strikes me as a very big deal.

#qft #DivergentSeries #jeanecalle

Last updated 1 year ago

Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
986 followers · 10873 posts · Server mastodon.org.uk

I saw something interesting recently linking a bit of with .

The 1+2+4+8+᠁ = -1. To the uninitiated, this may seem crazy and completely devoid of meaning. However, look at the two’s complement representation of negative numbers. In particular, if you had a computer with arbitrary precision, you would get the binary representation -1 = 11111᠁ which is also the sum above.


#MinusOne #maths #computing #DivergentSeries #mathematics #computerscience

Last updated 5 years ago