Lots of thought-provoking blogs are linked here - #identity #intersectionality #neurodiversity #antiracism and more! 🧐
RT @Ethical_Leader@twitter.com
If you attended #IncludEd23 #IncludEd2023 yesterday organised by @TheDifferenceEd@twitter.com & you would like to write a blog about any of the themes explored - we would love to publish it to amplify you on the @DiverseEd2020@twitter.com blog: https://www.diverseeducators.co.uk/our-latest-blog-posts/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Ethical_Leader/status/1614534442470473730
#identity #intersectionality #neurodiversity #antiracism #included23 #included2023 #DiverseEd
So, an #introduction: this is #me, a mastodon #edutooter #newbie looking to make #educationuk #connections. I studied #literature, am still a #bookworm, and teach #English @rmsforgirls. I enjoy following #TeamEnglish, #womened, #DiverseEd, #leadership, #inclusion, among others. I am a #headteacher at a fabulous #school, and would love to see #GCSEreform because there are #betteroptions for our students.
#introduction #me #edutooter #newbie #educationuk #connections #literature #bookworm #english #TeamEnglish #womened #DiverseEd #leadership #inclusion #headteacher #school #gcsereform #betteroptions
So this is #me, a mastodon #edutooter #newbie looking to make #educationuk #connections. I studied #literature, am still a #bookworm, and teach #English @rmsforgirls. I enjoy following #TeamEnglish, #womened, #DiverseEd, #leadership, #inclusion, among others. I am a #headteacher at a fabulous #school, and would love to see #GCSEreform because there are #betteroptions for our students.
#me #edutooter #newbie #educationuk #connections #literature #bookworm #english #TeamEnglish #womened #DiverseEd #leadership #inclusion #headteacher #school #gcsereform #betteroptions