Soldiers torture shepherds in #Diyarbakır, share video on TikTok.
Lawyers' groups have filed criminal complaints against the soldiers responsible for the violence on varios charges including "torture" and "deprivation of liberty."
#YSP #Diyarbakır milletvekili Sevilay Çelenk 2022 yılının Haziran ayında tutuklanan ve 11 Temmuz 2023 tarihinde ilk duruşmaya çıkacak olan #Kürt #gazeteciler üzerine bir rapor hazırlamış.
#gazeteciler #kurt #Diyarbakir #ysp
Eight dead in #Diyarbakır land dispute between two families.
Following the incident, which resulted in numerous injuries, the village where it took place has been placed under military blockade.
Loans to the earthquake-hit zones canceled in a few provinces including #Diyarbakır.
CHP Diyarbakır MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu disclosed the cancellation of loans to the province. #TurkeyEarthquake
I am closely observing the recent developments in #Diyarbakir and the region. Yesterday in the early morning, more than 126 people were arrested across 21 provinces in Southeast #Türkiye, among them politicians, renowned journalists, artists and regular citizens. (1/5)
I am closely observing the recent developments in #Diyarbakir and the region. Yesterday in the early morning, more than 126 people were arrested across 21 provinces in Southeast #Türkiye, among them politicians, renowned journalists, artists and regular citizens. (1/5)
RT @StarostaAnita
Über die Schwierigkeiten im Erdbebengebiet in der #Türkei psychozosiale Hilfe zu leisten, sprach mein Kollege @KeremSchamberg mit Traumpädagog:innen aus #Diyarbakır. Die politischen und sozialen Konsequezen des Bebens sind enorm:
Mob attack on #LGBTI+s during #Diyarbakır #Newroz celebrations.
Rights defenders and political party members who wanted to defend the LGBTI+s were also attacked. #Turkey #Turkiye
#lgbti #Diyarbakir #newroz #turkey #turkiye
Diyarbakır's (biggest city with a Kurdish majority) football team, AMED SK, has been continously attacked since their arrival in Bursa (Turkish majority western city) yesterday. It has been absolutely outrageous what happened today during the football match. It should also be remembered that #Diyarbakır was one of the cities that has been heavily affected by the recent #earthquake. #Racism toward #Kurdish people has been a serious problem in #Turkey since its foundation
#turkey #kurdish #racism #earthquake #Diyarbakir
RT @julia_witt: Vor Jahren war ich in #Diyarbakir auf Einladung von @Feleknasuca zu einem Frauenkongress. Beeindruckende Frauen, kurdische Kämpferinnen, damals berührend im Einsatz, wie erst recht jetzt in der Not! Ganz warme Umarmung zu Euch, Respekt und viel Kraft! #earthquake
Die kurdische Sängerin Zîlan Tîgris ist ebenfalls beim Erdbeben in #Amed gestorben. @21meralsimsek #Diyarbakir #Türkei
RT @21meralsimsek
Kuzenlerimden Zilan Tigris ( Dilek Küçüker) 'i de kaybettik. Bu acının tarifi yok 😔 ışıklar yoldaşın olsun 🙏
RT @MartinGlasenapp
Im kurdischen #Diyarbakır wurde der Journalist Mehmet Güleş zusammen mit einem freiwilligen Helfer festgenommen, der zuvor im Interview die mangelhaften staatlichen Rettungsmaßnahmen in der Stadt kritisiert hatte.
#Diyarbakir #erdbebenindertuerkei
If you want to make donations to help victims of the #earthquake in #Turkey, you can consider making them to #Diyarbakır Bar Association. It has been one of the leading institutions in visibilizing human rights violations and defending the victims of state violence in Turkey during the past years.
#Diyarbakir #turkey #earthquake
Das ist gut: @Janine_Wissler reist nach Diyarbakır/Amed, um dort mit der HDP und Menschenrechtsorganisationen zusammenzutreffen. Vor den anstehenden Wahlen ein wichtiges Zeichen.
RT @Janine_Wissler
Ich bin in den nächsten Tagen in der Türkei, in der kurdischen Stadt #Diyarbakır und in Ankara, um mich mit der HDP, Initiativen und Menschenrechtsorganisationen zu treffen und um am Kobane-Prozess teilzunehmen.
@HDPgenelmerkezi @die…
🔵Police violence in #Diyarbakir captured in video
📌Two police officers who beat a young man in Turkey’s Southeastern Diyarbakir province during a police control were laid off temporarily by the governor
🔵Police violence in #Diyarbakir captured in video
📌Two police officers who beat a young man in Turkey’s Southeastern Diyarbakir province during a police control were laid off temporarily by the governor
🟣Party offices stormed, #Kurdistan flags taken down in #Diyarbakir
🔶The offices of PAK, PSK and Azadi Movement have been stormed by the police, who took down Kurdish flags erected on the occasion of "Kurdistan Flag Day."
#Turchia: Cassazione annulla la condanna di #SelçukMızraklı l'ex Sindaco #Diyarbakir(ma nega la scarcerazione): "indagini incompleti+prove insufficienti". Eletto nel 2019, sospeso+arrestato dopo 5mesi, condannato a 9anni: "membro di un'org terroristica":,1077198
#Turchia #selcukmizrakli #Diyarbakir
Bei der Verleihung des #ifaPreis 2022 nimmt Künstlerin als Stellvertreterin für den in der #Türkei inhaftierten Kulturförderer #OsmanKavala den Preis an. Das Preisgeld unterstützt die Organisation aus #Diyarbakir. #freeOsmanKavala
#ifaPreis #türkei #OsmanKavala #Diyarbakir #freeosmankavala