"We are speaking about Djab Wurrung country, women’s country. At this time we need to listen to women’s voices.
Voices which have gone unheard, disregarded and dismissed." - Cancelled: Djab Wurrung Festival Of Resistance: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/11/12/cancelled-in-so-called-australia-djab-wurrung-festival-of-resistance/ #djabwurrungtrees #DjabWurrung
So-Called #Australia: Festival Of Resistance in Djab Wurrung Country - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/11/11/so-called-australia-festival-of-resistance-in-djab-wurrung-country/ #djabwurrungtrees #Djabwurrung #antireport
#antireport #DjabWurrungTrees #Australia
International Call for Actions in Solidarity with Djab Wurrung Resistance in So-Called #Australia - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/11/09/international-call-for-actions-in-solidarity-with-djab-wurrung-resistance-in-so-called-australia/ #djabwurrung #djabwurrungtrees #decolonize #antireport
#antireport #decolonize #DjabWurrungTrees #Australia
The @VictorianGreens have formally condemned the removal of a sacred and historic tree in defiance of Traditional Owners' knowledge and wishes, and over the supporting reports of experts. (1/3) #DjabWurrung #DjabWurrungTrees
#djabwurrung #DjabWurrungTrees