🎤 Django Day Copenhagen update 🎤
Full schedule is now available on our website: https://2023.djangoday.dk/#program
Can't participate in-person?
We have both "Free streaming tickets" or "Streaming supporter tickets" (€8). By attending virtually, you can participate on our Django-driven Zulip chat and interact with guests and speakers.
🎤 Yet another talk announcement 🎤
Get an overview of the latest and greatest code quality tools with
@mahryekuh's talk »Clean up your code with quality tools«
Interested in submitting YOUR talk idea? There is still time to send in proposals! First-time speaker? That's great, we'll help you get started!
Attending? We still have early bird discount!
🎤 Talk announcement!
Learn how to spend less time writing tests with Wilhelm Klopp's talk titled »How to spend less time writing tests« 💯
Interested in submitting YOUR talk idea? There is still time!
And early bird tickets are still for sale!
Django Day Copenhagen will include an important talk about security, isolation and resource-sharing - an aspect that is perhaps often "lost in a cloud"?
»Privilege-separated installation of many Django applications on the same host«
Sounds too advanced or mysterious? It's a practical talk! 😍
Extended deadline for submitting talks for Django Day Copenhagen 2023 🔥️ 📝 🎤
Have a good idea for a talk? The deadline has been extended by a week. We need just a few more submissions to the program to make it complete!
First-time speaker? That's great! We want to help you get started!
Read more: https://2023.djangoday.dk/cfp/
We've got more exciting talks to announce this week :blobcatcheer:
We are really happy that @jvzammit will join Django Day Copenhagen 2023!
»A minimal Django testing styleguide« :django:
Read more about the talk:
Django Day Copenhagen 2023 is happening on October 6th and our ticket sales are now open!
Early Bird discounts 🪺
Call for participation is also open and we're looking for YOUR proposal 🥰
📅 On this same day last year, I was in Copenhagen at my first in-person conference after two years of online-only conferences, to present the opening talk of DjanogDay 2022, the conference organized by DjangoDenmark 🇩🇰
I send a hug to everyone I met during that fantastic experience 🤗
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#django #djangoday #DjangoCPH #djangodenmark