Y'all have any tips for a great boss fight?
The players in my @DHS #HauntedWest game have stepped in a big ole cow pie. They've aggro'd a whole ranch full of gun hands, along with a demon (or two, or three!).
My go-to move is to have the boss wait a couple rounds into the fight before showing up. It ups the stakes and really puts the players back on their heels. It also means the boss won't be turn one killed. There's too much chaos for coordinated attacks!
#HauntedWest #DnD #DnDtip #ttrpg #TTRPGtip
#DnD and #TTRPG tip: It's ok to start your game small.
You don't need an entire world built, you don't need to know who the BBEG is, you don't need to know the politics of the kingdom. A small town, a adventure hook and 2-3 personalities is enough to get your story going.
You can build out the rest as you go.