This is why @TheGreenParty has been arguing for Universal Credit to be increased by £40 per week
RT to tell Sunak to #DoTheMaths
RT @jrf_uk: 🧮 We've done our #maths & it doesn't add up!
The current basic rate of #UniversalCredit falls £35 *per week* short of the actual cost of essentials like food, utilities & vital household goods
👉Join us in calling on the Govt to guarantee #OurEssentials
#DoTheMaths #maths #universalcredit #OurEssentials
RT @CarolineLucas
Some "statistics" which Rishi Sunak might like to take a look at, thanks to his Govt's #Brexit shambles:
- Productivity down 4%
- Trade down 15%
- Food prices up 6%
- Tax revenue down by £40 billion
Some "statistics" which Rishi Sunak might like to take a look at, thanks to his Govt's #Brexit shambles:
- Productivity down 4%
- Trade down 15%
- Food prices up 6%
- Tax revenue down by £40 billion
Some "statistics" which Rishi Sunak might like to take a look at, thanks to his Govt's #Brexit shambles:
- Productivity down 4%
- Trade down 15%
- Food prices up 6%
- Tax revenue down by £40 billion
Some "statistics" which Rishi Sunak might like to take a look at, thanks to his Govt's #Brexit shambles:
- Productivity down 4%
- Trade down 15%
- Food prices up 6%
- Tax revenue down by £40 billion
Some "statistics" which Rishi Sunak might like to take a look at, thanks to his Govt's #Brexit shambles:
- Productivity down 4%
- Trade down 15%
- Food prices up 6%
- Tax revenue down by £40 billion
Some "statistics" which Rishi Sunak might like to take a look at, thanks to his Govt's #Brexit shambles:
- Productivity down 4%
- Trade down 15%
- Food prices up 6%
- Tax revenue down by £40 billion
Solar Power: Abundant or not?
So, yes, "as much raw incident sunlight falls on the Earth in 1 hour as all of humanity uses in 1 year."
Sounds like a lot. About a 7,000-times surplus.
But when you start doing the maths, it turns out that 1) the amount of usable sunlight is far, far lower (about 100 -- 200x present human energy usage) and 2) baked-in assumptions of human energy consumption growth based just on population growth and a modest levelling-up for the global poor chews up about 1/5 of that surplus.
More depressing truth/reality here:
And no, the message isn't that renewables aren't realistic. It's that our expectations aren't.
#energy #solar #solarPower #DoTheMaths #population #affluence #renewables #limits #LimitsToGrowth
#energy #solar #solarpower #DoTheMaths #population #Affluence #renewables #limits #limitstogrowth