@MeidasTouch A little over a year since the #SCOTUS #DobbsDecision and here we are, right at the place where this ad said we would be. I’ll bet you all thought it was ridiculous didn’t you. Some kind of dystopian future? Yeah, it’s a reality.
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And the Republican's dirty trick to try and move the goalposts right before the November Constitutional Abortion Amendment vote just bit the dust!
#ohioissue1 #abortion #abortionrights #DobbsDecision
Samuel Alito when he hears the supreme court can't determine who leaked his draft decision. #SupremeCourt #UsPol #DobbsDecision
#SupremeCourt #uspol #DobbsDecision
Know what?
The state of my womb shouldn't be able to change my legal status.
And yet that's what's happening to women in anti-abortion states.
#abortion #roe #DobbsDecision #reprohealth #pregnancy
However, I did make a prediction months ago: The #DobbsDecision will not be a major factor in US elections in the medium term [0]. We'll see how that prediction plays out this evening.
[0] I could of course argue that 2022 is short-term, not medium-term. But the polls suggest that Dobbs will not swing many seats today, which would tend to validate my prediction.