Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2082 followers · 14676 posts · Server

In light of the case in the US, as well as other fascistic tendencies elsewhere, it's worth noting once again that the vast troves of personal information which are gathered and held by Internet monopolists such as , , , , and , telcos of both telephony and Internet services (ISPs) including , and , location data, payment processors (, , , ...), and a vast seething cesspit of "consumer data" brokers (, , , , , , and many, many, many more) represent an increasingly severe, potentially existential threat.

have warned of part of this recently, though it's far worse than their linked article here states.

#DobbsVJackon #google #facebook #amazon #apple #netflix #att #verizon #comcast #visa #mastercard #stripe #equifax #transunion #experian #lexisnexis #adp #bloomberg #eff #kristallnacht #instagram #whatsapp #oculus #dataareliability #surveillance #surveillancestate #surveillancecapitalism

Last updated 2 years ago