A short and concise explanation about the VScode's Dev Containers extension 👇🏼
The Dev Containers extension enables to run code in VScode inside a containerized environment seamlessly.
#DataScience #MLops #DevOps #Docker #vscode
Over the weekend, I continued working on my new tutorial for setting up a dockerized 🐳 R development environment on VScode 💻.
➡️ https://github.com/RamiKrispin/vscode-r
✅ R settings
✅ Motivation/intro
✅ Scope
✅ Prerequisites/Requirements
⚠️WIP 🚧:
➡️ Getting Started with Docker
➡️ Docker with R - the Hard Way
➡️ Setting R Environment with Docker
#DataScience #vscode #Docker #RStats
Dedicate the long weekend to work on a tutorial I wanted to do a long time ago - setting an R development environment with VScode and Docker ❤️.
Will use this repo for the tutorial (WIP) 👇🏼
#DataScience #vscode #Docker #RStats
I am a PHP Dev and a DJ, but a #macos beginner. What kind of apps would you recommend that will make my everyday life easier? Already using #brew, #iterm2, #ddev + #docker, #atext, #clipy. I am already considering #alfred
#macos #brew #iterm2 #Ddev #Docker #atext #clipy #alfred
@greymatter @sataa @ncommander @ActionRetro @ubuntu
But to go back at your original question:
The solution is to make statical linking the norm.
I mean we already have that - tho in a 3D Chess version aka. #Docker, #Snap, #Flatpak and #AppImage...
And for my current project this is the way to go in order to make easy updates, revisions and fixes without breaking shit.
#appimage #Flatpak #snap #Docker
Finally stealing @qmacro |s devcontainer... (not allowed to install any tools on my lappy) https://github.com/qmacro/dotfiles/tree/main/devcontainer #docker
Am Wochenende irgendwie das #PaperlessNGX auf dem #RaspberryPi zum Laufen bekommen. Vorgängerlösung war proprietär und der Server lief in einer VM, sodass eigentlich nie sofort erreichbar, wenn ich an die Dokumente wollte.
Am schwierigsten war eigentlich die Berechtigungen des #Docker Containers auf die NFS-Freigabe vom #Synology NAS zu mappen. Ansonsten war die Konfiguration sehr einfach. Bedienung ist ebenso einfach. Kann ich jetzt schon weiterempfehlen! Nun noch den Altbestand taggen. 🤖
#paperlessngx #raspberrypi #Docker #synology
Containers vs Virtual Machines: Which One is Right for You? #Containers #Virtualmachines #Containerization #Virtualization #Microservices #Security #Hypervisor #Docker #Podman #Kubernetes #AmazonECS #Virtualization #ITinfrastructure #Cloudcomputing #Softwaredevelopment #DevOps #Applicationdeployment
#containers #virtualmachines #containerization #virtualization #microservices #security #hypervisor #Docker #Podman #Kubernetes #amazonecs #itinfrastructure #cloudcomputing #softwareDevelopment #devops #applicationdeployment
Defguard Gateway now supports 🎇native #WireGuard in #FreeBSD #kernel
We also added a #opnsense plugin to configure your #vpn gateway in the official UI.
More details:
#floss #devops #docker #selfhosted #SelfHosting #identity #Kubernetes #OpenSource #release #security #privacy #homeLab
#wireguard #FreeBSD #kernel #opnsense #VPN #FLOSS #devops #Docker #selfHosted #SelfHosting #identity #Kubernetes #OpenSource #release #security #privacy #homeLab
#SelfHosted #Nextcloud with #docker-compose, #redis and #cron on a Raspberry Pi4 in only 3 files.
#cron #redis #Docker #NextCloud #selfhosted
One of the projects I want to do this year is convert my desktop into a home server/game console. Right now I'm thinking I would virtualize #ChimeraOS or #SteamOS (whenever that releases) with GPU passthrough on top of a #Debian install, then run services via #docker
What do my #linux and #homelab folks think about this? Got any good resources on how to do this and got any #tips before I get started?
#tips #homelab #Linux #Docker #Debian #steamos #chimeraos
#podman auf #macOS: Wenn nach einem `Sleep` podman nicht so richtig starten möchte, dann hilft im Terminal: `podman machine stop`, `podman machine start`. Manchmal muss man mehrere Male hintereinander starten und stoppen, wenn podman partout nicht will. Ich hab hier eine MariaDB laufen, die kann ich erst im Anschluss, wenn podman wieder läuft per `podman restart mariadb` restarten. Nervig, aber mir lieber als #Docker.
I love going to the beginner tutorials for tech I have been using for years. It's a very good way to see what the latest usage best practices are, and sometimes it can help you close "holes" in your knowledge that you don't think you have.
I just went through #docker tutorial @ https://www.docker.com/101-tutorial/ and branched off into some basic bits from there even though I have been using docker for years
#Docker has added the include directive to promote the modularity of the Compose https://www.docker.com/blog/improve-docker-compose-modularity-with-include/ #DevOps
(1/2) After returning last week to work on my book, this weekend continue to work on the last dataset I will package for the book - the hourly electricity generation in New York by sub-regions.
#GitHubActions #Docker #timeseries #RStats
“Think about the work the runtime linker has to do to load an object. It has to find the object (sometimes through a plethora of LD_LIBRARY_PATH components), load the object, and relocate it. The runtime linker then repeats this process for any dependencies of the loaded object. That's a lot of work. So why do so many applications load dependencies they don't need?” http://www.linker-aliens.org/blogs/rie/entry/tt_dependencies_tt_define_what/
Does anyone even think this way in the post-docker, -flatpack world?