The new issue of Doctor Who has just arrived. Looking forward to having a full read later but couldn’t resist instantly reading the awesome interview with David Tennant and Catherine Tate by Emily Cook and, of course, the production notes column by Russell T Davies, which is always worth the cover price by itself!
#doctorwho #drwho #doctorwhomagazine #drwhomagazine #davidtennant #fourteenthdoctor #catherinetate #russelltdavies
#doctorwho #drwho #DoctorWhoMagazine #drwhomagazine #davidtennant #fourteenthdoctor #catherinetate #RussellTDavies
Doctor Who Magazine has a brand new edition out today, featuring Yasmin Finney as Rose on the front cover!
DWM 591 is available at WHSmith, selected supermarkets and online at
#doctorwho #drwho #DoctorWhoMagazine #YasminFinney
Found this a little bit tantalising.
It's from Benjamin Cook's interview with Murray Gold in this month's Doctor Who magazine. The whole interview (and issue!) is well worth a read.
The new, coronation themed edition of Doctor Who Magazine is out now, with a throwback to ‘The Idiot’s Lantern’.
You can buy your copy at selected supermarkets, at WHSmith or online at
#DoctorWho #DrWho #DoctorWhoMagazine #DWM #DavidTennant #BilliePiper #TenthDoctor #10thDoctor #RoseTyler
#doctorwho #drwho #DoctorWhoMagazine #dwm #davidtennant #billiepiper #tenthdoctor #10thdoctor #rosetyler
Couldn't resist buying this at the market yesterday. From Summer 1980.
Doctor Who Magazine has a new edition out today and it’s available at WHSmith, selected supermarkets or online at
#doctorwho #drwho #DoctorWhoMagazine
The #SarahJaneAdventures coverage in DWM is lovely, especially hearing fron the actors reflecting back on the show. Good stuff.
We seem to have hit a lull in new series info (understandable really, they can't make major announcements every month!) The Production Diary is simultaneously a cool way to fill the gaps, and so vague as to be like reading the minutes of an admin team meeting.
#DoctorWhoMagazine #dwm #DoctorWho #sarahjaneadventures
#DoctorWhoMagazine are asking for contributions from people who owned these Viewmaster slides.
I've never seen that use of the "WHO" on its own in the same font as the diamond logo. It's part of the latest branding but I had no idea they'd done that before.
Absolutely fascinating stuff in DWM this month about how Bad Wolf and Disney came on board etc.
As ever, a great deal less "fiendish masterplan" and more "we tripped and landed on our feet" than I imagine. ;-)
#badwolf #DoctorWhoMagazine #DoctorWho
They had a big stack of the new #DoctorWhoMagazine in Sainsbury's tonight but I'm waiting on my subscriber copy so I didn't get one.
*looks forlornly at letterbox*
Today is Tuesday. The new #DoctorWhoMagazine isn't out til Thursday. I'm already seeing online articles poaching everything Russell T Davies says in the mag. Drives me mad.
#churnalism #DoctorWho #DoctorWhoMagazine
Really enjoying the latest #DoctorWhoMagazine, it's just a shame that it's almost impossible to avoid being spoiled for the most interesting bits on social media. #DoctorWho
Hmm, no #DoctorWhoMagazine in #PocketMags yet...
#DoctorWhoMagazine #pocketmags
Doctor Who Magazine 585 is out this Thursday, 8th December, and includes an exclusive interview with Millie Gibson!
Visit your nearest WHSmith or supermarket to pick up a copy, or buy online from
#doctorwho #drwho #DoctorWhoMagazine
Still copies out in the wild... #DoctorWho #DWM #DoctorWhoMagazine #Harlow
#doctorwho #dwm #DoctorWhoMagazine #harlow
So many distractions, I am only reading #DoctorWhoMagazine in fits and starts, but OMG, I just read that this comic strip will run for 13 months! It will takes us right up to the specials in 2023! 😯
I have obtained a copy of #DoctorWhoMagazine so excuse me while I go dark online until I have read it.
The comic strip though! Finally, an in universe reason for fuzzy CSO outlines! 😆
That's a thing of beauty. It feels like time travelling to both the 1970s and the 2000s in one image. Well done, DWM!
And a comic adventure for the Fourtennant Doctor to boot! (Yes, 'Fourtennant Doctor.' I've decided)
#DoctorWho #DoctorWhoMagazine #DWM #DWM584 #DavidTennant #FourtennantDoctor #DoctorWhoDiamondAnniversary
#doctorwho #DoctorWhoMagazine #dwm #DWM584 #davidtennant #FourtennantDoctor #DoctorWhoDiamondAnniversary
Diolch yn fawr!!
Angen i ni fenthyg y TARDIS ar ôl pennod heno!! 💥
We reckon we could use a TARDIS after tonights explosive episode! 😱 #DoctorWho #DoctorWhoMagazine #drwho
#drwho #DoctorWhoMagazine #doctorwho