Hello @annamills, thank you for your work on #AI literacies, pedagogies, and awareness raising. It's helping me, at least, raise awareness within my own academic writing contexts.
Are you aware of any similar and/or specific work - including your own that I'm not aware of - relating to the use of #LLMs and other #ArtificialIntelligence writing technologies in #DoctoralWriting #DoctoralResearch #ResearchWriting?
#AcWri #AcademicWriting #AcademicIntegrity #AILiteracies #tleap #AcademicLiteracies
#ai #LLMs #artificialintelligence #DoctoralWriting #DoctoralResearch #researchwriting #acwri #academicwriting #academicintegrity #ailiteracies #tleap #academicliteracies
My book #WhatMakesWritingAcademic will be available in paperback from September 2023.
It's relevant to academic writers & their teachers because it engages critically with how knowledge is shaped by the forms of writing we choose.
You can pre-order from
https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/what-makes-writing-academic-9781350243965/ as well as from your preferred bookshop.
If you've read it, please let me know what you think of it and how you've used it.
#AcWri #AcademicWriting #DoctoralWriting #CreativeWriting #CriticalRealism #OpenAccess
#WhatMakesWritingAcademic #acwri #academicwriting #DoctoralWriting #creativewriting #CriticalRealism #openaccess
Thinking ahead to the 2023-24 academic year (plus related tedious budget requests) and to populating my calendar with conferences & events relating to:
#AcademicLiteracies #DoctoralWriting #DoctoralPedagogies #AcademicPublishing #PostGraduateEducation #AcWri #ArtificialIntelligence {JM}
What's on your agendas, pls, so I can get a sense of what to look into?
Thank you, J
#academicmastodon #academicliteracies #DoctoralWriting #doctoralpedagogies #academicpublishing #postgraduateeducation #acwri #artificialintelligence
I'm currently reading a #PhD thesis that refers to cited authors by first name only (Paul, Carolyn, Roy, etc.).
Is this a 'thing'? A citing convention?
The thesis is about #NarrativeEnquiry and #CriticalRealism
I rather like it. I feel like I am being told a story (all the evidence base is there, the argument holds, and cited authors are reified to the status of embodied people).
#phd #narrativeenquiry #CriticalRealism #DoctoralWriting #phdthesis #academicchatter #acwri
The time spent trying to get up to speed with the proliferation of AI-enhanced technology and those promising to 'super-charge' and 'power-up' writing productivity is better spent simply getting on with your writing - unless you've also got the time & expertise to fact-check and edit the machine-paper.
Own your research and the ways to represent it. The form of your writing is part of the 'original contribution', so own it 💪🏽✍️
#PhDLife #AcademicChatter #AcWri #DoctoralWriting #gpt #BARD #claude
#phdlife #academicchatter #acwri #DoctoralWriting #GPT #bard #claude
A doctoral researcher wrote to me today asking me for views on #gpt (she is at my institution & comes to me to discuss her #DoctoralWriting).
She is genuinely confused about whose advice to follow and has signed up to one of the new 'academic writing gurus' promising to fix everything with AI.
I took the opportunity to post this on the bird site (because that is still where my students read me):
I would welcome thoughts from #AcademicMastodon about what I said #AcWri
#GPT #DoctoralWriting #academicmastodon #acwri
Having a great research writing day already. Big thanks to #WritngFromYourTimeZone online #DoctoralWriting jamboree lead by Donna Comerford from #SussexUniversity, UK. A great way to spend #iwd2023 listening to amazing research from around the world.
#writngfromyourtimezone #DoctoralWriting #sussexuniversity #iwd2023
Can we decolonise our doctoral training (https://wonkhe.com/blogs/can-we-decolonise-our-doctoral-training/ as well as the comments)?
"When we teach mentoring and coaching skills, we may tell participants to *adopt a paused speech pattern for effective listening*. However, for some cultural backgrounds and ethnicities, reflective pauses in conversation can be perceived as uncertainty, hostility or even rudeness."
Thinking of this also in relation to #MultiLingualism #TransLingualism in #AcWri practices #DoctoralWriting
Should we?
#multilingualism #translingualism #acwri #DoctoralWriting
I guess it is early days for systematic research on this to be completed, but having read this by Dr Katherine Firth - suggesting that since #DoctoralWriting is about 'new knowledge', #GPT may be less likely to pose a threat - I am left wondering:
- is this true?
IMO, it may be, but only insofar as GPT only draws on knowledge available on the internet (up to 2021, for now).
So could PhDs become more primary and less archival?
#DoctoralWriting #GPT #acwri #phd #artificialintelligence
One of many Qs that GPT raises for me is what are its affordances for #DoctoralWriting?
Also, if GPT-4 is multimodal & multisemiotic (not just a statistical language model), knowledge will be increasingly emergent & statistically likely to be true.
But: not all knowledge/big data is available online.
So, how do humans navigate between online knowledge and knowledge that has not yet been uploaded (cf pre-writing era/non-written cultures)?
#DoctoralWriting #philosophy #acwri
Here is #GPT-3's reply - it gives no source and is UK-centric (not all theses are 'defended in front of a panel of experts')
#DoctoralWriting #PhD #ArtificialIntelligence #AcWri
#GPT #DoctoralWriting #phd #artificialintelligence #acwri
Would anybody be able to point towards an updated (or internationally-referred to, eg Bologna-type equivalence) document on the core criteria & standards doctorates are held to, eg making an original contribution to knowledge, sustained independent research, what counts as evidence of completion (eg. a final thesis, a minimum word count, an exegisis, a viva, publications, etc).
Or does each country/institution set its own standards?
#academicmastodon #DoctoralWriting #phd #thesis #acwri
So, I've given it the same 'story title' (which is deliberately the content of my book) but started it off differently: quite a story, in each case!
Can't begin to fathom how much better #GPT-4 will be and keeping an eye on the implications for #AcWri and #DoctoralWriting #DoctoralResearch
#ArtificialIntelligence #Authorship #AcademicAgency #HigherEducation #KnowledgeCreation
#GPT #acwri #DoctoralWriting #DoctoralResearch #artificialintelligence #authorship #academicagency #highereducation #knowledgecreation
Sharing from the bird site, as those involved don't seem to be on #AcademicMastodon, yet (sigh!) - wish more of my communities would migrate as this ventriloquising & (s)elective third-party advocacy is high maintenance and increasingly unsustainable 😣
#AcademicChatter #PhD #thesis #PhDbyPublication #HigherEducation #DoctoralWriting #AcWri
#academicmastodon #academicchatter #phd #thesis #phdbypublication #highereducation #DoctoralWriting #acwri
RT @pace_ou
On #ScienceWriting.
Beautiful prose can enhance the clarity & precision of #ScienceCommunication: "reader pleasure can enhance the function of scientific writing" (p. 313 of 'The Scientist's Guide to Writing' by @StephenBHeard) #PACESpace #DoctoralWriting https://press.princeton.edu/ideas/stephen-b-heard-on-the-scientists-guide-to-writing
#DoctoralWriting #PACESpace #sciencecommunication #sciencewriting
Some of you may be interested in this #podcast resource on #AcademicWriting where authors are interviewed about their books
#AcWri #DoctoralWriting #STEM #ScienceWriting #AcademicChatter #AcademicPublishing #NewBooksNetwork #tleap #EnglishForAcademicPurposes #EAP (hoping to see some of my EAP folk on here since I closed my EAP bird account)
#podcast #academicwriting #acwri #DoctoralWriting #stem #sciencewriting #academicchatter #academicpublishing #newbooksnetwork #tleap #EnglishForAcademicPurposes #eap