Jeff Hertzog · @jeffhertzog1961
42 followers · 2166 posts · Server

Rain is Teaching

Deuteronomy 32:2 says:
"Let my teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew, As the light rain upon the tender grass, And as the spring showers upon the herb.”

Under the right conditions, when a seed is introduced to water, it soaks up that water, swells, and breaks its outer shell. This is a beautiful picture reminding us that without water, a tree or crop cannot grow or produce anything.

God rains on the just and unjust, meaning He gives everyone the opportunity to learn His Word and produce fruit worthy of repentance (refMat 3:8), however, it is up to each person if they are willing to learn or not.

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#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #rain #teaching #learn #Doctrine #Understand #water #symbol #seed #harvest #Grow #character

Last updated 1 year ago

Jeff Hertzog · @jeffhertzog1961
22 followers · 1129 posts · Server

I do not have all the , but I know who does!

All is given by inspiration of , and is profitable for , for , for , for instruction in :

#righteousness #correction #reproof #Doctrine #god #scripture #2Timothy #kingjamesbible #kjv #bible #answers

Last updated 2 years ago

Washed by the Word

In the Old Testament, water was used for purification; the priests were consecrated by being washed with water (Exo 29), and water was also used to wash parts of the sacrificial animals offered to the Lord.

David cried out to God to wash him and cleanse him from all sin (Ps 51:2); however, he wasn’t speaking about having his physical body cleansed, he was talking about a cleansing of his mind and heart (Ps 51:10).

The Apostle Paul talked about the church being sanctified and cleansed by the washing of water by the word (Eph 5:26), showing us that water is symbolic of the word of God.

Are you being washed in the word of God?

For resources on various concepts in scripture visit

#Doctrine #mind #Renew #Transform #Understanding #sin #symbolism #purification #heart #clean #WORD #water #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Where is your Focus?
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Now more than ever is the time to assess your heart and consecrate yourself to Christ. Those who search for truth having the fear of the Lord quickly understand and perceive His teachings. Those who are seek after worldly things such as business, heathen friendships, and wealth will not perceive the divinity of the parables.

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#tree #Yeshua #Doctrine #oil #spirit #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 3 years ago