@CraftComputing is right:
#Documentation is key and @Raspberry_Pi basically owns every "competitor" because #Discord is not a valid excuse or replacement for writing actual documentatation because it has inacceptable ToS & is #loginwalled aka. not searchable.
I'd rather make a #StackOverflow account and post a noob question than ever use discord!
#stackoverflow #loginwalled #Discord #Documentation
@christiansilvermooon +9001%
#Discord is one of the WORST TOOLS EVER since it's #bloated like #Windows, unsearchable like #Slack, full of illegal tracking shit like #MicrosoftTeams and doesn't add any value compared to #IRC or #Zulip + #Mumble or #JitsiMeet.
Espechally if people abuse it for things that it was never good in, like #IssueTracking, #Support, #Documentation etc.
Everyone who even suggests using Discord for that is an ableist asshole who loves #LoginWalls and should be banned!
#loginwalls #Documentation #support #issuetracking #JitsiMeet #mumble #zulip #IRC #MicrosoftTeams #Slack #Windows #bloated #Discord
@epsi +9001%
#Discord also has unacceptable #ToS and is purposefully designed with neither #searchability, #indexability or #accessibility in mind.
Replacing #IssueTracker, #Support and/or (effectively non-existing) #Documentation with a shitty Discord instance is just blatant assholeism and everyone who does even consider doing so in lieu of #GitHub, #GitLab or god forbid even #Savannah and #SpurceForce should be banned from #FLOSS #Project and #CommunityManagment!
#CommunityManagment #Project #FLOSS #spurceforce #savannah #GitLab #GitHub #Documentation #support #IssueTracker #Accessibility #indexability #searchability #tos #Discord
@trashheap Fact is that @Raspberry_Pi didn't create a de-facto monopoly in #ARM #SBC's because they are particulary good in terms of performance or price, but because they nailed #documentation.
That takes time and effort and cheap copycats that just vomit out some SBCs and some images to boot from won't be able to compete.
Worse are only those folks that literally abuse #Discord as #IssueTracker and #Support system for #FLOSS in lieu of #Issues of #Github / #GitLab and an actual #documentation!
#Documentation #GitLab #GitHub #issues #FLOSS #support #IssueTracker #Discord
@poofdyke +9001%
#Discord has unacceptably bad ToS, abysmal performince, is bloaty af and it doesn't replace proper Documentation!
If people are too lazy to do #SelfHosting, there's #github, #gitlab, #readtehdocs.io and many more options to just shove some #Markdown files onto.
Every Project that uses Discord in lieu of proper #IssueTracker, #BugReporting and #Documentation is a "can't use & won't use" for me - period!
Espechally when even for organizing there are superior options...
#Documentation #bugreporting #IssueTracker #markdown #readtehdocs #GitLab #GitHub #SelfHosting #Discord
@dysfun @astrid not to mention raw performance isn't everything...
Shure the #BananPiZeroM2 blows the @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0W out of the water spec-wise, but in terms of #documentation and #Software #Support it's completely falling flat on it's face!
#support #Software #Documentation #Pi0W #bananpizerom2
Automotive documentation is something else!
Original document here, if you really want to read about tilt steering columns: https://www.crankshaftcoalition.com/wiki/images/d/d6/Jazzman_Steering_Rack_Rebuild.pdf
#repair #DIY #Cars #Documentation
When I join a new development team, I read through the codebase for a day or two and I note down ask questions to ask. If there is documentation (ha!), I read through that as well.
All too often, conversations follow this format:
Me: “How do I get this non-working feature to work?”
Them: “Oh, just do [completely non-documented thing] instead.”
Why are teams like this? And the answer isn’t “Because time!”
I always have to make time for it. So, you can, too.
#Documentation #webdevelopment
@technomancy well, it's true....
#Discord is shit and adds no value compared to #IRC, #XMPP, #Mumble, #Zulip, #JitsiMeet and espechally doesn't replace #documentation and #manpages....
#manpages #Documentation #JitsiMeet #zulip #mumble #XMPP #IRC #Discord
@ahriboy @TomLarrow +9001%
I instantly delete any requests for one amd point at #documentation.
Repeat offenders get banned from projects' issue tracker and contributions.
@TomLarrow +9001%
If a #FLOSS project doesn't do proper #documentation - even if it's just a single manpage - I'll not use it and espechally not join any shitty #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solution with unacceptable ToS like #Discord that add 0 advantages and only disadvantages compared to #IRC to the table.
#IRC #Discord #SingleProvider #singlevendor #Documentation #FLOSS
@alyssa I'm shure @lina and @marcan are also on that.
Don't forget to add a #DragonBook to @AsahiLinux #documentation when you're successful!
@maikelthedev I mean I know why #developers love to release #apps for #Apple devices:
- #documentation is excellent
- #native #UI looks good
- Apple device owners are most able and willing to pay for software and least likely to pirate it.
- The very few #devices [less than two dozen are supported at any time] make it a breeze to diagnose, troubleshoor, fix and #support stuff.
- it's easy and cheaper just start making an app for #macOS than #Windows.
#Windows #macOS #support #devices #ui #native #Documentation #Apple #Apps #developers
We're making the photo booth / light box for photo documentation of my daughter's work/crafts. I'm plastering the inside with white paper and Z will decorate the outside once I'm done. I reckon it'll be done by tomorrow. Can't wait to start using it.
#homeschooling #documentation #lightbox #photobooth #diy
#DIY #photobooth #lightbox #Documentation #homeschooling
We're making the photo booth / light box for photo documentation of my daughter's work/crafts. I'm plastering the inside with white paper and Z will decorate the outside once I'm done. I reckon it'll be done by tomorrow. Can't wait to start using it.
#homeschooling #documentation #lightbox #photobooth #diy
#DIY #photobooth #lightbox #Documentation #homeschooling
a little note from computing history. Sometimes OS makers had fun...
I especially appreciate the #documentation note that the value returned by `is_computer_on` is undefined.
and yes, these two functions really were implemented in #BeOs. I don't think `is_computer_on_fire` made it to #HaikuOS which i find very sad.
I remember a number of utilities that you could run to check if your BeOS 🖥️ was on 🔥
Problematic Developer docs of the day:
Google Wallet Event Ticket Object: https://developers.google.com/wallet/tickets/events/rest/v1/eventticketobject
Some fields are marked required.
Some fields are marked optional.
Some fields aren't marked with either designation!!!
Are undesignated fields optional?! are they required?! 🤷♀️ Who knows you'll have to execute the full pipeline of code to find out!
@nix @kbarker @originalg I think it's vital to have "blind testing" by "tech illiterate" [no offense!] people to cross-check stuff...
In fact I do regularly cross-check my #Documentation - espechally in regards to #DisasterRecovery - by someone unrelated so they can test this out step-by-step and evaluate accuracy.
#disasterrecovery #Documentation
3. Yeah, the :thinking_rms: neckbeards are to blame for that to some extent.
4. I should really make something like "Ubuntu for #TechIlliterates" [no offense to those!] and actually write #documentation and make tutorials...
Sadly, #YouTube's #AdPocalypse killed that for me.
#adpocalypse #YouTube #Documentation #TechIlliterates