Why do dogs jump up to check out kitchen counters and tables?
Because they might find something delicious.
That's it. That's all. Don't take it personally! We should celebrate their initiative and optimism!
(And then put up a gate, teach them to Leave It, or put away the good stuff.)
#doglogic #dogsofmastodon #DogBehavior
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
#Australia #Australian
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT #TTRPG #DnD #VampireTheMasquerade #VTM
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #australia #australian #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt #ttrpg #dnd #vampirethemasquerade #vtm
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
#Australia #Australian
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #australia #australian #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like(indefinite WIP)
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt
In search of folks from the #PositiveDogTraining world!
#PositiveDogTraining #DogCognition #DogBehavior #DogBehaviour #doglife #FearFree #forceFree #positivereinforcement