@jeremy It sounds like you’re doing everything right. Some of my dogs can be fooled with food, some I have to put the pill down their throat and hold their mouth shut until they swallow. The one training step I’d recommend is to create a pattern.
Say “one” and give him a little piece of cheese/meat. Say “two” and give another. Do 3 and 4 like that, then quit. Repeat daily until it seems like he knows and expects the pattern. Then swap in the pill for the third treat. #DogTraining
@Da_Gut Dogs are constantly learning from environmental cues, looking for predictability. When we train “on purpose” we typically set aside a little time where everything is different and unexpected, so the dog is focused on that instead of the thing we meant to teach. We get more success training on purpose when we make the steps involved into a predictable and normative part of their everyday life.
#DogTraining #dogs
Spending the day with this adorable pupper! Flashback to a bit of training we did in the backyard. He’s such a good boy! #humanpup #pupplay #DogTraining
#humanpup #pupplay #DogTraining
made some stills from the video, since i have basically zero photos of me handling!
#dogSports #dogAgility #worldDogStar #rescueDog #chihuahua #dogTraining
#DogTraining #chihuahua #rescuedog #worlddogstar #DogAgility #dogsports
Our Good Boy Lev always enjoys the endless free walking and view in the Carpathian Mountains.
before the War Lev was living in the Kharkiv Region, he was found tied to a pole left alone, his previous owners most likely fleed and couldn't take him.
Now he's my Assistant TCCC Instructor, and he's very well trained too 😁
#dogsofmastodon #dogstodon #dog #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineWillWin #doggo #DogLife #DogTraining #Glorytoukraine #saturday #weekend #photography
#photography #weekend #saturday #Glorytoukraine #DogTraining #DogLife #doggo #UkraineWillWin #UkraineWar #Ukraine #dog #dogstodon #dogsofmastodon
@weezmgk @pattacakek well put! Whenever there’s a battle of wills, best approach is to make it a fun game instead of a battle. Make it a game the dog enjoys playing, and that they can “win”. You end up with a dog who actually wants to do the thing.
Does your dog know "unicorn"? If not, have you ever considered teaching it? 🙂
@jeromechoo I'm guessing, and this isn't actually an answer, but is there any chance she finds sitting facing the door to be rather gloomy and that makes her feel uncomfortable about the situation? Is she willing to sit facing a wall at the same distance? Have you tried asking her to sit farther from the door but still facing it? #dog #dogs #DogTraining
Sky Diving Doberman! “Faren” Flies!! #protectiondog #familydogs #dogtraining #protectiondogsales https://www.wacoca.com/pets/168489/
#ドーベルマン #inu #dog #protectiondogsales #DogTraining #familydogs #protectiondog
The trick with working with multiple dogs at once is peer pressure! If you tell a group of dogs to "sit", reward the sitters with your attention or treats, and ignore the naughty ones. Focus on the goods ones, with lots of praise. The naughty ones start to copy the good ones. #DogTraining
Interesting, but frankly not particularly surprising, on how dogs bred to work independently from their human handler benefit less from seeing a human perform a behavior than do dogs that have been bred to work in close cooperation with the human handler.
A follow-up on whether those dogs that did not benefit from watching a human perform the behavior are helped by watching another dog successfully performing the behavior would be interesting.
If you do "enrichment" for your pet (dog, cat, other), make sure it is actually enriching.
#CatTraining #DogTraining #pettraining
If your dog is anxious and tries to micromanage people who are making them anxious by nipping the back of the ankles, etc., then you want them to choose flight instead of fight. Just putting them in another room to isolate them isn't desirable to them. Make "time out" a relaxing, special thing they look forward to and actually want to do. You can condition different emotional responses and condition different behavior to people/triggers, but in the meantime, you need to make sure Time Out is a good thing from the dog's perspective. Or do a "time in" on leash close to you if they have separtion anxiety as well. Time out is not special if you offer the Kong that has been sitting in the corner for days. If it wasn't even interesting when things were quiet, then why would they pay attention to it when they are worked up? At least put that stuff away so it only comes out for Time Out, so that Time Out is something to look forward to. Dogs will remove themselves without you even asking if they are motivated to. #DogTraining
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs when my clients are bothered that *they* have to change behavior, I explain and demonstrate that that’s literally what it takes to change the dog’s behavior. I say (as gently as I can manage) “do you want the dog to behave differently or not? Okay then, here’s what you need to do.”
An option is kibble tossing. They can carry kibble and toss it away from where they’re stepping.
A common behavior "problem" people seek my help for is when elderly people get a puppy who gets underfoot and makes them trip. They want the dogs to only walk on one side or only cross far behind them at all times, etc. Other than shaping the behavior they want and preventative measures by using incompatible cues, I think it is easier for the human to adjust than the puppy, but people get very upset. What are your tips for this?
Can We Transform This Lazy Doberman Pinscher? https://www.wacoca.com/pets/163756/
#americanstandardk9 #bestcaninetraining #bestdogtrainer #bestdogtraining #bestpuppytrainer #bestpuppytraining #caninetrainer #caninetraininer #diyk9 #dog #dogpullonleash #dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainingtips #howtotraincanine #howtotraindog #howtotrainpuppy #Inu #k9trainer #k9training #puppytrainer #puppytraining #puppytrainingadvice #puppytrainingtips #ドーベルマン
#ドーベルマン #puppytrainingtips #puppytrainingadvice #puppytraining #puppytrainer #k9training #k9trainer #inu #howtotrainpuppy #howtotraindog #howtotraincanine #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #DogTraining #dogtrainer #dogpullonleash #dog #diyk9 #caninetraininer #caninetrainer #bestpuppytraining #bestpuppytrainer #bestdogtraining #bestdogtrainer #bestcaninetraining #americanstandardk9
El Mástin napolitano 💪🏻 #dogs #doglover #dogtraining #dogshorts #perros #doglovers #mascotas https://www.wacoca.com/pets/162784/
#ナポリタン・マスティフ #inu #dog #mascotas #doglovers #perros #dogshorts #DogTraining #doglover #dogs
Lure/ Toy Driven Dog Training 🪄#obedience #dogtraining #funnydogs #trending #funnyshorts https://www.wacoca.com/pets/161732/
#ジャーマン・シェパード・ドッグ #inu #dog #funnyshorts #trending #funnydogs #DogTraining #obedience
OK dog peeps, what’s my dog up to here? For some reason the floor is lava in this one room in my house. He is very reluctant to cross it. He rolled the ball across there himself, and then couldn’t get it for some reason. #bordercollie #dogsofmastodon #DogTraining
#DogTraining #dogsofmastodon #bordercollie
First client of the week also happens to be the cutest Labrador puppy I’ve ever seen!
#DogTraining #labradorretriever #puppy #dogsofmastodon