just when you thought it was safe to go back into Doggerland again…
The Submerged Palaeo-Yare: a review of Pleistocene landscapes and environments in the southern North Sea #palaeolithic #HandAxe #Doggerland https://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue61/8/index.html
#palaeolithic #handaxe #Doggerland
Finished the third book in the #Doggerland series, Mellan djävulen och havet, by #MariaAdolfsson last night. I don't read a lot of crime fiction, but I was intrigued by the setting so I picked them up at work.
And I've really enjoyed them so far.
I also feel I don't read enough in my own language, so that was nice too.
I think I'll try a few more Nordic Crime authors. And working in a Used Books Shop in Sweden, I have a great supply to pick from.
#bookstodon #mariaadolfsson #Doggerland
RT @prehistoryRMO
For #FindsFriday hoping for some Twitterverse input for this #Doggerland find found by Heleen @zandmotor beach last week🌊. Best I’ve seen! We interpret these finds as #mesolithic netting needles 🪡 made on metatarsal bones but sofar lack solid parallels and dates. Any ideas? 🤔
#FindsFriday #Doggerland #Mesolithic
RT @Rainmaker1973
Things aren’t always what they seem on the surface. 12,000 years ago Britain was connected to Europe until a tsunami from a submarine landslide off Norway inundated whatever remained of #Doggerland
[read more 1: http://bit.ly/2zCZRdo]
[read more 2: http://ow.ly/8lng30nkkdR]
How The #Celts Changed The #English #Language
#Celtic #EnglishLanguage #Doggerland #Linguistics #Linguistic #History #LanguageHistory #ProtoCeltic #Gaelic #Irish #Manx #PlaceNames
#placenames #manx #irish #gaelic #protoceltic #languagehistory #history #linguistic #linguistics #Doggerland #englishlanguage #celtic #language #english #celts
Glad our small paper is out on a rare find of wild cat 🐈⬛ Felis silvestris 🐱 from #Doggerland \ Maasvlakte 2 in the new @_WPZ_ Cranium volume. And we even made the cover! 💪🌊 https://pleistocenemammals.com/cranium/jaargangen/jaargang-39-2022/
just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Early Pleistocene again… 'Hackney girl finds ancient bear tooth on Norfolk beach' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-63970493 #Doggerland #Megafauna #HomoAntecessor
#Doggerland #megafauna #homoantecessor
"Rather than denying pseudohistory and the fabrication of facts or pretending it is somehow new now that we have AIs to aid us in that process, we should understand them as ways in which we can simultaneously re-enchant the world and de-mystify the processes of pseudohistory and conspiracy." https://varnelis.net/on-the-destruction-of-the-kingdom-of-doggerland/ re: #Doggerland et al.
"Rather than a lost past to lament, it is a cautionary tale of the Anthropocene near future. The impact of climate change on the environment forces us to consider that rising seas will likely drown substantial areas of the world, including the coasts of Denmark, eastern Britain, Belgium, and much of the Netherlands (and of course, much, much more of the world)." https://varnelis.net/on-the-destruction-of-the-kingdom-of-doggerland/ re: #Doggerland #worldbuilding et al.
@WulfgarTheBard #Doggerland also the name of one of my fave #novels https://g.co/kgs/3YEbgZ