“AI – God Mod”
This is the problem: in the past, every non-trained would either work out how to achieve a task OR hire someone or some company with expertise.
Either way, the #dollars flow back to AI companies underbidding. That’s what most users will use AI for, driving down costs.
“It used to be debatable which coding language was most valuable. Now, it’s English – or whatever language you prefer. Large Language Models (LLMs) haven’t just given us the ability to get a zillion things done by asking ChatGPT. Now, everyone can code. All we need to know is what to ask the machine to make.
I know what you’re thinking. “That’s fine, Steve. I can ask #ChatGPT to write me some computer code for a new app or site. But I wouldn’t even know what to do with it or where to put it.”
#AI / #LLM / #Smith #economy #jobs <https://stevesammartino.com/2023/05/04/ai-god-mod/>
#Dollars #chatgpt #ai #LLM #smith #economy #jobs
#Ye Paid These Far-Right Trolls a Ton of Money
#Far-right-trolls #NickFuentes and #MiloYiannopolous made tens of thousands of #dollars between them at the end of 2022, thanks to rapper Ye, formerly known as #KanyeWest, according to a #campaignfinance filing.
#ye #far #nickfuentes #miloyiannopolous #Dollars #kanyewest #campaignfinance
How The United States Weaponizes The Dollar To Retain Global Hegemony
#WorldReserveCurrency #Hyperbitcoinization #Federalreserve #Markets #Dollars #Opinion
#worldreservecurrency #hyperbitcoinization #federalreserve #markets #Dollars #opinion
FX Strategists From Citi Say Euro Could Sink to $0.86 if Macro Turmoil Continues
#currencystrategyanalyst #USDollarCurrencyIndex #EuropeanCentralBank #CitiFXstrategists #Citistrategists #fiatcurrencies #EuropeanUnion #FXstrategists #sterlingpound #euroandpound #Forexmarkets #Economics #FXmarkets #Greenback #Safehaven #EU'seuro #USDollar #Dollars #Markets #Reuters #thefed #Euro #Fiat #afp #DXY #ECB
#currencystrategyanalyst #USDollarCurrencyIndex #EuropeanCentralBank #CitiFXstrategists #Citistrategists #fiatcurrencies #europeanunion #FXstrategists #sterlingpound #euroandpound #Forexmarkets #economics #FXmarkets #Greenback #safehaven #eu #USDollar #Dollars #markets #reuters #thefed #euro #fiat #afp #DXY #ECB
Bank of Japan Intervenes in Foreign Exchange Markets After Yen Slips to 24-Year Low
#ForeignExchangeMarkets #benchmarkinterestrate #Buy-Sideforexmarkets #fallingcurrency #SteveGoldstein #MichaelHewson #fiatcurrency #intervention #BankofJapan #Japaneseyen #24-yearlow #Economics #Greenback #USdollars #Buy-Side #lowrates #USdollar #Dollars #Dollar #forex #1998 #BOJ #USD
#ForeignExchangeMarkets #benchmarkinterestrate #buy #fallingcurrency #SteveGoldstein #MichaelHewson #fiatCurrency #intervention #BankofJapan #japaneseyen #economics #Greenback #USdollars #lowrates #USDollar #Dollars #DOLLAR #forex #BOJ #USD
Risk Reverses As The Dollar Strengthens. The Bitcoin Price May Suffer
#BitcoinMagazinePro #Dollars #Markets #S&P500 #Vix
#BitcoinMagazinePro #Dollars #markets #s #VIX