In unserer neuen Folge von Papperlapapp - Spaß mit Klammern reden wir über Event-Storming! 🌬️
Was ist Event-Storming? Wie funktioniert das? Wann kann das helfen?
Zusammen mit @AndreasEK erklären wir das und erzählen von unseren Erfahrungen mit dieser klasse Methode!
Habt ihr Event-Storming schonmal eingesetzt? Wie sind eure Erfahrungen? Schreibt es in die Kommentare! ✍️
#eventstorming #ux #userexperience #ddd #domaindrivendesign #papperlapapp #youtube #techfluencer
#eventstorming #ux #userexperience #ddd #DomainDrivenDesign #papperlapapp #youtube #techfluencer
Leute, wir sind zurück. Mit einer neuen @papperlapapp UX Folge.
Oder - ist es wirklich eine UX Folge??
Es geht um das Thema Event Storming und darum, warum diese Methode auch ohne Domain Driven Design sinnvoll sein kann!
#eventstorming #ddd #domaindrivendesign #ux #uxdesign #userexperience
#eventstorming #ddd #DomainDrivenDesign #ux #uxdesign #userexperience
Wie Agile Transformationen und Domain-driven Design sich gegenseitig unterstützen können – 📘 Neuer Artikel von Lana Knödler & Christian Nockemann
@nockemannc #agile #transformation #ddd #domaindrivendesign
#agile #transformation #ddd #DomainDrivenDesign
📣 Save The Date: September 20th, 2023
Thrilled to announce the next installment of our Virtual Domain-Driven Design Open Space Meetup! 🎉🚀
As software solutions continue to expand and evolve, so does complexity. How can we keep delivering features at scale and reliably, amidst this inherent complexity? 🤔 It's time we transition from the "keep it simple" mindset to one that encourages us to "work in complexity".
We're excited to explore this challenge together. To guide us on this journey, we're delighted to have @jessitron, a highly esteemed systems thinker, kick off our open space with a keynote. 🗣️🎙️
Join us on September 20th to engage in thought-provoking discussions, network with like-minded professionals, and acquire skills that will help you sail smoothly through the ocean of software complexity. ⛵️💼
Be sure to save your spot by buying your 5 USD ticket today!
#DomainDrivenDesign #SoftwareComplexity #SystemsThinking #openspace
#DomainDrivenDesign #softwarecomplexity #systemsthinking #openspace
Discover how to design and build adaptive, socio-technical systems that can quickly adapt to change!
In this article, Susanne Kaiser shares insights on leveraging #WardleyMapping, #DomainDrivenDesign & #TeamTopologies.
More insights on #InfoQ:
#wardleymapping #DomainDrivenDesign #teamtopologies #infoq
Monday, we kicked off 2023 with our very first, and definitely not the last online open space! We had @dianamontalion & @ahl kick-off to set the stage about Architecture over architects, which was the focus of this open space: (Architectural) Decision Making. Then we had @weltraumpirat setting up the open space, and its marketplace.
We had sessions from challenges implementing the advice process to 7 levels of testing and contract testing, decisioning processes, and many more, which you can see in the image.
It was a very successful first virtual open space for us, and we want to thank everyone who sponsored our event through the open collective and made it possible!
If you want to watch or listen back to the keynote check here:
#DDDesign #domaindrivendesign #softwaredesign #softwarearchitecture #decisionmaking #openspace
#DDDesign #DomainDrivenDesign #softwaredesign #softwarearchitecture #decisionmaking #openspace
EARLY BIRD! Unser Frühbucherpreis gilt nur noch bis nächste Woche Freitag. Melde Dich jetzt noch an, spare 100€ auf Dein Ticket und starte mit Wissen über aktuelle Trends, Herangehensweisen und Inspiration für Deine Projekte ins neue Jahr.
#softwarearchitektur #softwareentwickler #softwareentwicklung #earlybird #frühbucherpreis #oop #oopkonferenz #programmieren #coding #domaindrivendesign #webentwicklung #cloudarchitect #devops #digitaletransformation #itmanagement
#Softwarearchitektur #Softwareentwickler #Softwareentwicklung #earlybird #fruhbucherpreis #oop #oopkonferenz #programmieren #coding #DomainDrivenDesign #Webentwicklung #cloudarchitect #devops #digitaleTransformation #itmanagement
Stefan Toth und Peter Götz präsentieren Ihnen Erfahrungen aus echten Projekten und zeigen, wie es nach dem ersten DDD-Aufschlag weitergeht. Sie vertiefen Konzepte wie Team Topologies und streifen Themen wie den Ideal Present Canvas oder soziotechnische Architekturen 😀 💡
#OOPKonferenz #OOPdigital #SoftwareArchitektur #DDD #DomainDrivenDesign #agileCoach #ITManagement
#oopkonferenz #oopdigital #Softwarearchitektur #ddd #DomainDrivenDesign #agilecoach #itmanagement
In seinem Talk zeigt @ewolff typische Fehler, Missverständnisse und Probleme, die bei Domain-driven Design und insbesondere bei Strategic Design auftreten. Natürlich diskutiert die Präsentation auch, wie man solche Probleme sinnvoll lösen kann, um vielleicht nicht nur ein Scheitern zu verhindern, sondern sogar einen echten Erfolg zu landen.
#domaindrivendesign #ddd #softwarearchitektur #oopkonferenz #strategicdesign
#DomainDrivenDesign #ddd #Softwarearchitektur #oopkonferenz #strategicdesign
If you create a component with a vision that it's going to be shared in other apps and then call it a #microfrontend architecture then you are wrong. Microfrontend means you create segments of your page and each segment is delivered by individual teams. Amazon's homepage is a great example here, the list of products is delivered by the products team, and the offers banner is delivered by the marketing team. Your segments should reflect your bounded contexts. #domaindrivendesign
#microfrontend #DomainDrivenDesign
If you:
1. Know #NestJS
2. Have done #EventSourcing at scale
3. Need a job
#nestjs #eventsourcing #DomainDrivenDesign #getfedihired
Das gesamte Konferenzprogramm auf einem Blick? Kein Problem, alle Programminhalte sind ab sofort auch als praktische PDF-Broschüre ganz bequem zum durchscrollen, downloaden oder ausdrucken über unserer Webseite oder folgenden Link zu finden:
#softwarearchitecture #softwaredevelopment #devops #softwarearchitektur #coding #konferenzprogramm #konferenz #itweiterbildung #oop #oopkonferenz #oopmuc #oopdigital #softwareengineering #domaindrivendesign #microservices
#softwarearchitecture #softwaredevelopment #devops #Softwarearchitektur #coding #konferenzprogramm #konferenz #itweiterbildung #oop #oopkonferenz #oopmuc #oopdigital #softwareengineering #DomainDrivenDesign #Microservices
If you:
1. Know #NestJS
2. Have done #EventSourcing at scale
3. Need a job
#nestjs #eventsourcing #DomainDrivenDesign
One part I love about #DomainDrivenDesign (#DDD), is the shift away from data-centric models. Let’s face it, not a single user ever opens the application with the intend to “insert a new table row”. Rather they are (for instance) “documenting a recent event”. Let’s make applications the user actually understand, and stop making them having to translate their actual need in (#CRUD) actions we force them to do. We just didn’t knew better. Let’s get over this.
#DomainDrivenDesign #DDD #CRUD
I'm glad @VaughnVernon is here! If you care about:
I highly recommend following him.
I'm incredibly thankful to be part of his excellent workshop series:
#SystemDesign #DomainDrivenDesign #EventStorming
@malzyki „[...] Software design is an art, and like any art it cannot be taught and learned as a precise science, by means of theorems and formulas. [...] Like a picture or a building, a software product will include the personal touch of those who designed and developed it [...]” — Via „DDD Quickly” by Abel Avram, Floyd Marinescu