#404Media Tracked an #NYC #Subway Rider's Movements with an #MTA ‘Feature’
“Obviously this is a great fit for abusers,” - #domesticviolence & #cybersecurity expert
With their consent, they entered the rider’s #creditcard—data often easy to buy from criminal marketplaces, or which might be trivial for an abusive partner to obtain—and entered it in #OMNY, subway’s contactless payments system. Out came rider’s travel history for past 7 days, no other verification required.
#404media #nyc #subway #mta #DomesticViolence #cybersecurity #creditcard #omny
#Ghana #GhanaTourism #Travel #news #Women #ECOWAS #WestAfrica #Benin #Senegal #TheGambia #SierraLeone #BurkinaFaso #Mali #Niger #Niamey #Rape #RapeCulture
#GirlsAreChildren #Girls #GBV #DomesticViolence #FGM #Humanity #Humanrights #WomensRights #ChildAbuse https://vocal.media/viva/it-s-2023-west-african-countries-statistically-are-some-of-the-worst-countries-to-be-female
#Ghana #ghanatourism #travel #news #women #ecowas #WestAfrica #benin #senegal #thegambia #SierraLeone #burkinafaso #mali #niger #niamey #rape #rapeculture #girlsarechildren #girls #GBV #DomesticViolence #FGM #Humanity #humanrights #WomensRights #childabuse
Why do #men seem to #hate #Women #Afrique #Conakry #Mali #niger #Niamey #BurkinaFaso #News #Gender #GBV #FGM #DomesticViolence #Ghana #GhanaNews #Africa #Nigeria #LaceysHouse #Benin #TheGambia #SierraLeone #Senegal 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽https://vocal.media/viva/it-s-2023-west-african-countries-statistically-are-some-of-the-worst-countries-to-be-female
#men #hate #women #afrique #conakry #mali #niger #niamey #burkinafaso #news #gender #GBV #FGM #DomesticViolence #Ghana #ghananews #Africa #Nigeria #laceyshouse #benin #thegambia #SierraLeone #senegal
Adolescents exposed to any maternal physical intimate partner violence during childhood were more likely to perpetrate in their own relationships. Furthermore, adolescents whose mothers had unstable romantic relationships had a higher number of romantic partnerships themselves.
#NICHDImpact #Family #DomesticViolence #Relationships #GenerationalTrauma #Adolescents
#NICHDimpact #family #DomesticViolence #relationships #generationaltrauma #adolescents
#Nigerian #American #news #Femicide #USNEWS #Africa #GBV #Murder #DomesticViolence #MurderSuicide #Crime #RespectWomen #Immigration #Marriage #Sad 💔 911 recording released and inside article is many women support men, but don’t turn around and murder them, and beat on them, and scream at them for all the financial support #Women give men, and then our abandon women usually don’t turn around and murder MEN 💥 https://link.medium.com/4rtnFee49Ab
#nigerian #american #news #femicide #usnews #Africa #GBV #murder #DomesticViolence #murdersuicide #crime #respectwomen #immigration #marriage #sad #women
#Nigerian #American #news #Femicide #USNEWS #Africa #GBV #Murder #DomesticViolence #MurderSuicide #Crime #RespectWomen #Immigration #Marriage #Sad 💔 911 recording released and inside article is many women support men, but don’t turn around and murder them, and beat on them, and scream at them for all the financial support #Women give men, and then our abandon women usually don’t turn around and murder MEN 💥 https://link.medium.com/4rtnFee49Ab
#nigerian #american #news #femicide #usnews #Africa #GBV #murder #DomesticViolence #murdersuicide #crime #respectwomen #immigration #marriage #sad #women
Supreme Court takes up case over gun ban for those under domestic violence restraining orders https://www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme-court-second-amendment-gun-ban-domestic-violence-restraining-orders/ #SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #guncontrol #domesticviolence #news #usnews
#SCOTUS #supremecourt #guncontrol #DomesticViolence #News #usnews
"Dating violence among teenagers has the potential to lead to death... and girls are at the highest risk."
#NICHDimpact #teenagers #youth #violence #DomesticViolence
Supreme Court Agrees to Rule on Domestic-Violence Gun Laws https://politicaliq.com/2023/06/30/supreme-court-agrees-to-take-up-domestic-violence-gun-laws/ #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #guns #DomesticViolence #2ndAmendment #14thamendment #Bruen #NewYorkState #politicaliq #news #politics
#supremecourt #SCOTUS #guns #DomesticViolence #2ndamendment #14thamendment #bruen #newyorkstate #politicaliq #News #politics
Supreme Court May Take Up Law Barring Accused Domestic Abusers from Buying Guns https://politicaliq.com/2023/06/21/supreme-court-may-take-up-law-barring-accused-domestic-abusers-from-buying-guns/ #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #guns #DomesticAbuse #DomesticViolence #secondamendment #politicaliq #news #politics
#supremecourt #SCOTUS #guns #DomesticAbuse #DomesticViolence #secondamendment #politicaliq #News #politics
RTs appreciated!
We are conducting a paid study to understand the support-seeking process after facing technology-facilitated abuse - e.g. spying, stalking, and harassment. If you would like to participate, pls sign up.
#IPV #techabuse #domesticabuse #DomesticViolence
Pregnant women living in states that require prenatal depression screening are more likely to be screened for intimate partner violence.
#NICHDImpact #DomesticViolence #Abuse #DomesticAbuse #Prenatal #Depression #Screening
#NICHDimpact #DomesticViolence #abuse #domesticabuse #prenatal #depression #screening
Everyday in almost every country I post here on my time line a #Women or #Child is #Murdered #sexualassault or #Raped and it’s become some sort of a running 🏃🏿♂️ joke with #Men as they post #FearWomen and laugh 😂 at #Femicide the #rapeculture is deep in most countries and I won’t tag the worst ones but #women already know.
It’s sad and disgusting #GBV #DomesticViolence #ChildMarriage #GirlsArrChildren if the women, girls and children 👧🏿 are dying everyday, who’s the #Problem ? 🤔
#women #child #murdered #Sexualassault #raped #men #fearwomen #femicide #rapeculture #GBV #DomesticViolence #childmarriage #girlsarrchildren #problem
#Women & #Girls are under attack and it’s like a joke. No one’s angry but ME? Are you serious 🧐 🤬 I’m furious but 🤔 “It Is What It Is” #UpsideDownCountry #GBV #Rape #FocusNewsAfrica #Defilement #ChildLabour #ChildMarriage #FEMICIDE #DomesticViolence, #Murder #Crime #SexualAssault #GenderInEquality, #HumanRightsViolations #Humanity #Media #News https://vocal.media/viva/women-under-attack-in-ghana-and-the-media-demeans-women-everyday-why-are-women-and-government-so-complacent
#women #girls #upsidedowncountry #GBV #rape #focusnewsafrica #defilement #childlabour #childmarriage #femicide #DomesticViolence #murder #crime #Sexualassault #genderinequality #HumanRightsViolations #Humanity #media #news
The land of #Morality #Culture & great 👍🏽 #Upbringing good ole #Christian nation. A pastor or self-proclaimed #Prophet said he’d F$€K a woman for an hour and paralyze her and a good moral #GhanaNews outlet thought this would be #SocialMedia appropriate when #Women #Femicide #GBV #Rape #Girls #Defilement #SexualAssault #RapeCulture #DomesticViolence #Murder https://medium.com/societal-issues/ghana-prophet-says-hell-paralyze-woman-after-sex-women-are-dying-daily-in-ghana-girls-raped-21128f076cc3
#morality #culture #upbringing #christian #prophet #ghananews #socialmedia #women #femicide #GBV #rape #girls #defilement #Sexualassault #rapeculture #DomesticViolence #murder
Focus on everything that doesn’t matter. Especially when it comes to #girls #GirlsAreChildren #Women & #Children #Education #Rape #rapeculture #gunviolence #alcohol #alcoholism #drugaddiction #DrugUse #violence #GBV #domesticviolence but please 🙏🏽 #Uganda & #Africa focus on the #Gays #LGTBQ https://medium.com/societal-issues/africans-applaud-musevenis-gay-bill-uganda-ignores-high-drug-use-highest-alcohol-use-in-africa-f6f48c7d88da
#girls #girlsarechildren #women #children #Education #rape #rapeculture #gunviolence #alcohol #alcoholism #drugaddiction #druguse #violence #GBV #DomesticViolence #uganda #Africa #gays #lgtbq
Focus on everything that doesn’t matter. Especially when it comes to #girls #GirlsAreChildren #Women & #Children #Education #Rape #rapeculture #gunviolence #alcohol #alcoholism #drugaddiction #DrugUse #violence #GBV #domesticviolence but please 🙏🏽 #Uganda & #Africa focus on the #Gays #LGTBQ https://link.medium.com/kBYKIDQ4vAb
#girls #girlsarechildren #women #children #Education #rape #rapeculture #gunviolence #alcohol #alcoholism #drugaddiction #druguse #violence #GBV #DomesticViolence #uganda #Africa #gays #lgtbq
Added to the lists of #Blame accusations #Women are being blamed for their own #Femicides by the hands of #Ghanian #Men next it’s the #GhanaNews for reporting these stories. Now who’s to blame?#America #GBV #Murder #Women #Wives #Girls #DomesticViolence #DomesticAbuse #Culture #Violence #MentalHealth #Communication #CommunicationSkills #Education https://medium.com/societal-issues/ghanians-blame-ghana-media-for-rise-in-womans-murders-why-did-ghanian-in-america-kills-self-after-9b82261a8c51
#blame #women #femicides #ghanian #men #ghananews #america #GBV #murder #wives #girls #DomesticViolence #domesticabuse #culture #violence #mentalhealth #communication #communicationskills #Education
Added to the long lists of #Blame and accusations #Women are being blamed for their own #Femicides by the hands of their #Ghanian #Men next it’s the #GhanaNews for reporting these stories. Now who’s to blame? I bet it’s #America #GBV #Murder #Women #Wives #Girls #DomesticViolence #DomesticAbuse #Culture #Violence #MentalHealth #Communication #CommunicationSkills #Education https://link.medium.com/lYtSN0RvuAb
#blame #women #femicides #ghanian #men #ghananews #america #GBV #murder #wives #girls #DomesticViolence #domesticabuse #culture #violence #mentalhealth #communication #communicationskills #Education
What’s the purpose of a Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection? Apparently nothing. #Ghana #Children #Women #Gender #SocialProtection #GenderBasedViolence #DomesticViolence #Murder #ChildAbuse #GBV #Femicide https://vocal.media/viva/ghana-s-minister-of-gender-silent-again-as-more-women-murdered-by-lovers-1-high-schooler-another-mother-and-her-child
#Ghana #children #women #gender #socialprotection #genderbasedviolence #DomesticViolence #murder #childabuse #GBV #femicide