#OteroCounty, #NewMexico votes to remove #DominionVotingSystems, #MarkZuckerberg #dropboxes and other #election machines: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/breaking-otero-county-new-mexico-votes-remove-dominion-voting-systems-zuckerberg-drop-boxes-election-machines/
#election #dropboxes #markzuckerberg #DominionVotingSystems #newmexico #OteroCounty
This advisory identifies vulnerabilities affecting versions of the #DominionVotingSystems Democracy Suite ImageCast X, which is an in-person #voting system used to allow voters to mark their #ballot: https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ics/advisories/icsa-22-154-01
#ballot #voting #DominionVotingSystems
The left is pushing to destroy trust in our electoral system so they can convince enough Americans to allow them to replace it with one that will keep them in power forever.
#stolenelection #hackedmachines #DominionVotingSystems
The left is pushing to destroy trust in our electoral system so they can convince enough Americans to allow them to replace it with one that will keep them in power forever.
#stolenelection #hackedmachines #DominionVotingSystems
The left is pushing to destroy trust in our electoral system so they can convince enough Americans to allow them to replace it with one that will keep them in power forever. #DominionVotingSystems #hackedmachines #stolenelection
#stolenelection #hackedmachines #DominionVotingSystems
BOOM Nye County Commission meeting where the entire commission 5-0 voted to get rid of the Dominion voting machines and conduct the primary and the general election with paper ballots with anti-counterfeit measures and hand counted on a Precinct level.
#DominionVotingSystems #MostSecureElectionEver
Breaking: One of the biggest counties in Tennessee just tossed out their Dominion machines, now let's do that in Georgia and go back to paper ballots counted by hand https://twitter.com/KandissTaylor/status/1499485954389655557
#Dominion #DominionVotingSystems
#DominionVotingSystems connected to bombed #ATandT #Nashville building: https://www.thethinkingconservative.com/dominion-voting-systems-connected-to-bombed-att-nashville-building/
#nashville #ATandT #DominionVotingSystems
#MyPillow CEO #MikeLindell countersues #DominionVotingSystems for $1.6 billion:
#DominionVotingSystems #MikeLindell #mypillow
A must watch interview with Matthew DePerno regarding the treason that occurred with #DominionVotingSystems
#DominionVotingSystems #stopthesteal #news
#China Bought #Dominion In October #DominionVotingSystems #CCP https://billlawrenceonline.com/china-bought-dominion/
#China #dominion #DominionVotingSystems #ccp
Firm that owns #DominionVotingSystems received $400 million from Swiss bank account funded by Communist Chinese government and companies before #election:
#DominionVotingSystems #election
#Georgia #Attorneys and #SecretaryofState Defend #DominionVotingSystems Instead of Voters In Their State https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/georgia-attorneys-secretary-state-defend-dominion-voting-systems-instead-voters-state/
#georgia #Attorneys #SecretaryofState #DominionVotingSystems
#SidneyPowell Drops Another BOMBSHELL Announcement #Smartmatic #DominionVotingSystems #Scytl #RudyGiuliani #Venezuela #GeorgeSoros https://thegoptimes.com/sidney-powell-drops-another-bombshell-announcement/
#sidneypowell #smartmatic #DominionVotingSystems #scytl #rudygiuliani #venezuela #georgesoros
#DominionVotingSystems is part of the very same council that disputed concerns about #election integrity in a Homeland Security statement:
#DominionVotingSystems #election
#ClintonFoundation, #NancyPelosi and #Antifa -- the dark history of #DominionVotingSystems that #BigTech is censoring:
#clintonfoundation #NancyPelosi #Antifa #DominionVotingSystems #BigTech
#DominionVotingSystems shared office is incubator for radical left-wing organizations:
Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems
#BigTech, #ElectionFraud, #Fraud, #DrSHIVA, #DrSHIVAAyyadurai, #SHIVA, #Ayyadurai, #2020Election, #Election2020, #MichiganVotes, #Michigan, #Votes, #VotingSystem, #DominionVotingSystems, #Truth
#BigTech #electionfraud #fraud #DrSHIVA #DrSHIVAAyyadurai #SHIVA #Ayyadurai #2020election #Election2020 #MichiganVotes #michigan #votes #VotingSystem #DominionVotingSystems #truth