F*ck's sake, I really can't just enjoy things from my childhood.
Disney's misguided pulling of two of #DonRosa's #UncleScrooge comics just made me realize that his official Facebook group is packed with fascists from all over the world.
To be completely honest, I haven't read a #DonRosa #UncleScrooge comic in over a decade, probably, but I do have a strong attachment due to loving them as a kid, so the situation with stories potentially getting permanently lost does worry me.
Makes me wish I'd taken the time to pick up those Don Rosa Library collections which now seem to be largely out of stock in most places I could reasonably shop from.
Just found out that a couple of #DonRosa #UncleScrooge comics are getting permanently pulled by Disney for some very unfortunate racist stereotypes. (Originally put in the stories by #CarlBarks and then perpetuated by Rosa.)
To me, it seems like one of those cases where the stories should be printed with an informative disclaimer about racist stereotypes, but the stories getting pulled completely means that reprints of other stories in the same collections are also affected.
#carlbarks #unclescrooge #DonRosa
@kelbot Tuomas Holopainen - Music inspired by The Life and Times of Scrooge with original artwork by #DonaldDuck / #ScroogeMcDuck illustrations legend #DonRosa, is also quite high on my wishlist.
It's probably a good thing I no longer have a record player... ;)
#donaldduck #scroogemcduck #DonRosa