RT EUvsDisinfo
News Front, an FSB sockpuppet, spins Orwellian narrative claiming Russia never rejected peace in Ukraine. Meanwhile, RT's Spanish offshoot undermines Spain's democracy. Stand firm against Kremlin deceits. #DontBeDeceived, read the latest #DisinfoReview.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1687726128843157504
#DontBeDeceived #DisinfoReview
Do you check the facts before you share content on social media? Here is what you should check:
➡️ The website
➡️ The author & content
➡️ The sources
➡️ The visuals
➡️ What do fact-checkers say?
#DontBeDeceived and make sure the source is legit. #FactCheckingDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinASEAN/status/1687644594484269058
#DontBeDeceived #FactCheckingDay
RT EUvsDisinfo
Pro-Kremlin propagandists don't take a summer break. Instead, these manipulators orchestrate #disinformation campaigns around the #RussiaAfricaSummit and push false narratives on food security.
#DontBeDeceived, see behind their lies. Read #DisinfoReview.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1687003590915735552
#disinformation #RussiaAfricaSummit #DontBeDeceived #DisinfoReview
RT EUvsDisinfo
The Kremlin is trying to play a role of a "humanitarian", but no amount of disinformation can gloss over Russia's role in fueling global food insecurity. #FoodIsNotAWeapon #DontBeDeceived
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1683516027655671809
#FoodIsNotAWeapon #DontBeDeceived
RT EUvsDisinfo
In 2019 Russia said they would double trade volume with Africa in five years. In reality, the trade volume barely changed. What they say is not what you get. #DontBeDeceived.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1683724511257198594
RT EUvsDisinfo
Unmasking Russia’s myths in #Africa: In 2019, Russia made a number of promises to African leaders. 4 years later, achievements are far from the promises. Regardless of where they go, one thing remains constant – they keep spreading lies. This is what Russia does. #DontBeDeceived
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1684089163950219265
RT EUvsDisinfo
Russian outlets deny facts about the #Srebrenica genocide to deflect Russia’s responsibility for the crimes committed in #Bucha.
An independent report from Bosnia and Herzegovina exposes Russia’s #disinformation strategy and operations.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1683751871435902977
#Srebrenica #Bucha #disinformation #DontBeDeceived
The second 🇷🇺 Russia-Africa summit takes place in St. Petersburg this week. Unfortunately, this event will likely be another opportunity for Russia to distort and undermine Western support to Africa. Below, @EUvsDisinfo sets the record straight. 👇
<div class="rsshub-quote">
EUvsDisinfo: Unmasking Russia’s myths in #Africa: In 2019, Russia made a number of promises to African leaders. 4 years later, achievements are far from the promises. Regardless of where they go, one thing remains constant – they keep spreading lies. This is what Russia does. #DontBeDeceived
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUintheUS/status/1684265463906172953
Russia's invasion of #Ukraine has worsened the global food crisis.
Read what the EU countries are doing to mitigate the impact of Russia's war and ensure #foodforall
Read more 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUtoAU/status/1683483752595439618
#Ukraine #FoodForAll #AUEU #StandWithUkraine️ #DontBeDeceived
RT EUvsDisinfo
La Russie en Afrique, ce qu’on ne nous dit pas: En 2019, la Russie s’est engagée à contrer les PROBLEMES DE SECURITE en Afrique. Dans les faits, avec ses hommes de Wagner, elle a massacré, torturé et violé des centaines de civils. #DontBeDeceived https://t.co/j7c7A8VDDK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1683015338177249281
RT EUvsDisinfo
Russia said they would address security challenges in Africa. What they did was slaughter, torture and rape hundreds of civilians. What they say is not what you get. #DontBeDeceived. https://t.co/QttYQhIKOA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1683016596456095748
RT EUvsDisinfo
From wishful boasts about economy, to fearmongering about Europe, to flat-out lies about cluster munitions, the Kremlin continues to spin #disinformation. And it's always someone else to blame for Russia's own sins. #DontBeDeceived, read #DisinfoReview
https://euvsdisinfo.eu/only-one-to-blame/ https://t.co/91mfPR9q9O
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1682668528371900418
#disinformation #DontBeDeceived #DisinfoReview
RT EUvsDisinfo
#NeverForget Russia's deplorable downing of civilian aircraft #MH17, killing 298 innocent people. And Russian #disinformation peddlers have lied about it ever since:
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Josep Borrell Fontelles: As we commemorate the 9th anniversary of the downing of #MH17, the EU expresses deep sympathy for those who lost their loved ones. The EU expects Russia to accept its responsibility & to cooperate with efforts to establish accountability for the victims.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1680897394995519490
#NeverForget #MH17 #disinformation #DontBeDeceived
RT EUvsDisinfo
In the upside-down world of Kremlin #disinformation, Western weapons from Ukraine end up in French protests, the US plots for Europe's downfall, and Prigozhin serves Western interests.
#DontBeDeceived, stay vigilant, and read our latest #DisinfoReview.
https://euvsdisinfo.eu/looking-for-distractions-and-driving-divisions/ https://t.co/xcrABM9C7e
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1680183168836485123
#disinformation #DontBeDeceived #DisinfoReview
В опит да отвлекат вниманието от украинската контраофанзива и бунта на Пригожин, контролираните от Кремъл медии усилено се опитват да сменят темата.
Целта е да се сее разделение и да се отбягват назряващите в самата Русия проблеми.
Анализ на @EUvsDisinfo 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECinBulgaria/status/1679853253394046976
RT EUvsDisinfo
A tale as old as time: the Kremlin manipulates history to legitimize its actions - a legacy passed down from Russian tsars to Putin. #DontBeDeceived
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1679758963150147584
RT EUvsDisinfo
The Kremlin #disinformation machinery suddenly cares about civilians in Ukraine when the US delivers cluster munitions? And is "the West tired of Ukraine", as they claim?
#DontBeDeceived by their crocodile tears and deceptions, read #DisinfoReview instead.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1679403868805910529
#disinformation #DontBeDeceived #DisinfoReview
RT EUvsDisinfo
Russia has long used culture as an imperialistic tool to impose its supposed supremacy over the nations & ethnicities it occupied. In this guest article, Haska Shyyan explores the history of this policy & explains how it's still used today
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1676195975612833794
Putins klaji meloja Āfrikas līderiem, kas apmeklēja Krieviju un nekaunīgi virzīja dažus no acīmredzamākajiem Kremļa atbalstītāju dezinformācijas naratīviem par Krievijas karu pret Ukrainu.
#DontBeDeceived https://t.co/PPi3apRcY8
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EiropasKomisija/status/1674305364064337920
RT EUvsDisinfo
Putin's lies set his pants ablaze in our latest #DisinfoReview. Discover also how Kremlin #disinformation is seeping into international dialogues and what they're doing to spread and amplify their fabrications.
Read #DisinfoReview, #DontBeDeceived
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1671766651149201408
#DisinfoReview #disinformation #DontBeDeceived