@zerocovid https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20230119/p2a/00m/0li/026000c
Hm. Let me think… adapting to different circumstances & thinking of new ways to solve problems or.. constant #reinfection with a #virus that is going to shorten your life & quality of living by a significant number years🤔 #decades
Gosh, it’s really a tough choice that🙄
#DavosSafe clearly shows us there are better ways but #media has #gaslit us all into #helpless #giveUp #behaviors
#DontGiveUp #DontInhaleTheVirus #wearADamnRespirator #HEPA
#reinfection #virus #decades #davossafe #media #gaslit #helpless #giveup #behaviors #dontgiveup #DontInhaleTheVirus #wearadamnrespirator #HEPA
#virus #fungi #bacteria #tcells #lymphocytes #bcells #cancer #hiv #xbb15
Tbh I’m not sure I’d be able to convince 90% of the population that is already checked out & in complete denial..
I just post for those people who are still trying & wondering if they should just give up🖤
#dontGiveUp #DontInhaleTheVirus #viralDose #HEPA #keepMasking #CovidPapers #LongCovid
#virus #fungi #bacteria #tcells #lymphocytes #Bcells #cancer #hiv #xbb15 #dontgiveup #DontInhaleTheVirus #viraldose #HEPA #keepmasking #covidpapers #LongCOVID