Alarm Phone (@alarm_phone): "🆘Alarm Phone is in contact with a boat in international waters carrying 104 people, that left Tobruk, #Libya, three days ago. We alerted authorities and nearby cargo ships but - once again - no help is coming. Water is entering the boat due to high waves. #DontLetThemDrown" | nitter
#Libya #DontLetThemDrown #mediterrannee
🆘 @alarm_phone è in contatto con un’imbarcazione in acque internazionali con 104 persone a bordo. Sta imbarcando acqua. Sono partitə da Tobruk, #Libia, tre giorni fa.Le autorità e le navi cargo nelle vicinanze sono allertate. È necessario soccorso immediato! #DontLetThemDrownAlarm Phone: 🆘Alarm Phone is in contact with a boat in international waters carrying 104 people, that left Tobruk, #Libya, three days ago. We alerted authorities and nearby cargo ships but - once again - no help is coming. Water is entering the boat due to high waves. #DontLetThemDrown
#libia #DontLetThemDrownAlarm #libya #DontLetThemDrown
Re Aggiornamento:La nave mercantile JAGUAR ha raggiunto la prima imbarcazione in difficoltà, ma si è poi allontanata.Le Autorità di #Malta non hanno comunicato se sia stata effettuata un'operazione di soccorso.#DontLetThemDrown Phone: For some time, the group in distress was monitored by the merchant vessel JAGUAR. However, the vessel has left the scene of distress. RCC #Malta doesn't provide any information if they launched a rescue operation or not. So far, no rescue is in sight!
🆘~50 vite in pericolo in fuga dalla #Libia! @alarm_phone è stata contattata da un’imbarcazione in difficoltà con a bordo circa 50 persone. Le Autorità sono state allertate, è necessario un soccorso immediato! #DontLetThemDrown Phone: ~50 people escaping #Libya in distress!Alarm Phone was alerted by approximately 50 people at risk in the central Mediterranean. We have alerted authorities. So many people have drowned over the last days - a quick rescue operation is needed!
#libia #DontLetThemDrown #libya
🆘 ~100 persone in pericolo a largo della #Libia!@alarm_phone è stata contattata da un gommone con ~100 persone a bordo. Stanno imbarcando acqua e la cosiddetta Guardia costiera libica non risponde alle richieste di soccorso. Serve un intervento immediato.#DontLetThemDrown Phone: 🆘 ~100 people off the coast of #Libya in urgent distress!This morning we were called by ~100 people on a rubber boat. They said their boat is sinking and fear the worst. So far, we couldn’t reach the so-called Libyan Coastguard on any of their numbers. Send rescue now!
#libia #DontLetThemDrown #libya
🆘 30 persone in pericolo in zona #SAR di #Malta.@alarm_phone è stata avvertita di una barca di legno in difficoltà. Il caso è stato segnalato alle Autorità maltesi e italiane. È necessario un intervento di soccorso immediato! #DontLetThemDrown Phone: 🆘 30 people in distress in #Malta Search and Rescue zone!Alarm Phone was alerted to a wooden boat in distress. We have alerted the Italian and Maltese authorities and demand no delays in rescuing the group!
Re Imbarcazione segnalata da @alarm_phone e @seawatch_intl è alla deriva, entra acqua nello scafo. Donne, bambini e disabili a bordo hanno urgente bisogno di assistenza medica. Serve subito un intervento di soccorso! @MaltaGov Phone: A woman reported the seriousness of the conditions on board. The captain left & there is nobody who can steer the boat. Several people require medical attention, incl. a child, a pregnant woman & a person with a physical disability. Rescue is urgently needed! #DontLetThemDrown
We again had contact to the ~43 people in urgent distress. In our last call they said that there are three people in the water and they are drowning. The so-called Libyan coastguard seems reluctant to act. They need help NOW! #DontLetThemDrown
We again had contact to the ~43 people in urgent distress. In our last call they said that there are three people in the water and they are drowning. The so-called Libyan coastguard seems reluctant to act. They need help NOW! #DontLetThemDrown
🆘~45 persone in pericolo al largo della #Libia! ha segnalato questo caso alle Autorità libiche da oltre 10 ore, ma la cosiddetta Guardia costiera libica ha negato ogni operazione di soccorso.
Bisogna agire subito!
🆘 ~50nm off #Lampedusa!
A boat with at least 50 people on board is in distress in the #Malta's search and rescue zone. We have alerted the authorities & we urge them to launch a rescue operation!
#Lampedusa #malta #DontLetThemDrown
Re 🆘 Almeno altre 50 vite in pericolo a bordo di un'imbarcazione in difficoltà in zona #SAR di responsabilità Maltese, 50 miglia a sud di #Lampedusa.Tutte le Autorità sono state avvertite: è necessario un immediato intervento di soccorso!Alarm Phone: 🆘 ~50nm off #Lampedusa!A boat with at least 50 people on board is in distress in the #Malta's search and rescue zone. We have alerted the authorities & we urge them to launch a rescue operation!#DontLetThemDrown
#DontLetThemDrown #malta #lampedusa #sar
🆘️ Da ore ~90 persone, in contatto con @alarm_phone, al largo delle coste libiche chiedono aiuto. Stanno imbarcando acqua e le loro vite sono in pericolo a 33 miglia da #Zuara.Tutte le Autorità sono state allertate. #soccoreteli #DontLetThemDrownAlarm Phone: 🆘 in the Central Mediterranean!At least 90 people are in distress about 33NM off #Zuwara, #Libya. People report that they are unable to move on and that their boat is in poor condition, taking in water. #DontLetThemDrown
#DontLetThemDrown #libya #Zuwara #DontLetThemDrownAlarm #soccoreteli #Zuara
Re AGGIORNAMENTO: le ~45 persone al largo di #Zawiya si sono messe di nuovo in contatto con @alarm_phone. La situazione a bordo sta diventando sempre più critica: il gommone si sta sgonfiando e imbarca acqua.#soccoreteli #DontLetThemDrown
#DontLetThemDrown #soccoreteli #Zawiya
🆘 ~60 people in distress in #Malta Search and Rescue zone
Alarm Phone is in contact with a boat in distress on its way to #Lampedusa. The approximately 60 people on board report water coming into the boat. Do not delay efforts to rescue them!
#SafePassage #DontLetThemDrown
#malta #lampedusa #safepassage #DontLetThemDrown
🆘 ~60 vite umane in pericolo in zona #SAR sotto la responsabilità di #Malta.@alarm_phone è in contatto con le persone a bordo di barca in difficoltà diretta a #Lampedusa.Sta entrando acqua nello scafo. Devono essere soccorse subito!#DontLetThemDrownAlarm Phone: 🆘 ~60 people in distress in #Malta Search and Rescue zoneAlarm Phone is in contact with a boat in distress on its way to #Lampedusa. The approximately 60 people on board report water coming into the boat. Do not delay efforts to rescue them!#SafePassage #DontLetThemDrown
#DontLetThemDrown #safepassage #DontLetThemDrownAlarm #lampedusa #malta #sar
🆘 ~60 vite umane in pericolo in zona #SAR sotto la responsabilità di #Malta. è in contatto con le persone a bordo di barca in difficoltà diretta a #Lampedusa.
Sta entrando acqua nello scafo. Devono essere soccorse subito!
#sar #malta #Lampedusa #DontLetThemDrown
🆘 ~60 people in distress in #Malta Search and Rescue zone
Alarm Phone is in contact with a boat in distress on its way to #Lampedusa. The approximately 60 people on board report water coming into the boat. Do not delay efforts to rescue them!
#SafePassage #DontLetThemDrown
#malta #Lampedusa #safepassage #DontLetThemDrown
🆘 ~53 people in distress in the #Atlantic!
We were called by a boat in distress between #TanTan and #Lanzarote. Authorities have been alerted since last night. However people were still calling for help this morning when we lost contact with the boat - #DontLetThemDrown
#atlantic #tantan #lanzarote #DontLetThemDrown
🆘 ~53 people in distress in the #Atlantic!
We were called by a boat in distress between #TanTan and #Lanzarote. Authorities have been alerted since last night. However people were still calling for help this morning when we lost contact with the boat - #DontLetThemDrown
#DontLetThemDrown #lanzarote #TanTan #atlantic