WATCH THIS!! It's about the #OcoeeMassacre concerning #votingrights
#StayWoke #RacismInAmerica #AmericanHorrorStories
#DeSantisIsAFascist #DeSantisIsUnfitForOffice #DeSantisIsARacist #DontSayDeSantis
#DontSayDeSantis #desantisisaracist #desantisisunfitforoffice #desantisisafascist #AmericanHorrorStories #racisminamerica #staywoke #VotingRights #OcoeeMassacre
#DeSantisIsAFascist #DeSantisIsUnfitForOffice #DeSantisIsARacist #DontSayDeSantis #VoteThemAllOut #Repugnacans #TraitorsToAmerica #FearForTheFuture #RepublicansAreTheProblem
#RepublicansAreTheProblem #fearforthefuture #traitorstoamerica #repugnacans #VoteThemAllOut #DontSayDeSantis #desantisisaracist #desantisisunfitforoffice #desantisisafascist
Ron DeSantis boosted a video that all but calls for eliminating trans people. Who’s next? #RonDeSantis #DoneSantis #NeverRonDeSantis #HumanRights #TransRights #GayRights #DontSayDeSantis #GOP #FascistRon #AdolphDeSantis #Florida #FloridaIsForDeadPeople
#floridaisfordeadpeople #Florida #adolphdesantis #fascistron #gop #DontSayDeSantis #gayrights #transrights #HumanRights #neverrondesantis #donesantis #rondesantis
I'm #pansexual & proud 🙌
Love to all my #LGBTQIA family & love to all our advocates & supporters.
Remember, #DragIsNotACrime #TransRightsAreHumanRights #gayrightsarehumanrights
Every person alive should have the right to live thier authentic life & be thier authentic self & love who they want to love because #loveislove
OH & Always #SayGay & #DontSayDeSantis
#DontSayDeSantis #saygay #LoveIsLove #GayRightsAreHumanRights #transrightsarehumanrights #dragisnotacrime #LGBTQIA #pansexual #pridemonth2023
DeSantis Administration Moves Toward Denying Health Care to Transgender Floridians; Human Rights Campaign Calls on State Health Officials to Reverse Course on Discriminatory Proposed Rule #DeSantisKillsFloridans #SayGay #DontSayDeSantis #RemoveRon via
#RemoveRon #DontSayDeSantis #SayGay #DeSantisKillsFloridans