Don't Worry Darling, our new episode did come out yesterday! Link in the bio to tune in, toots.
#podcast #film #dontworrydarling #simulation #filmdiscussion #harrystyles
#podcast #film #DontWorryDarling #simulation #filmdiscussion #HarryStyles
pues #DontWorryDarling me ha parecido una castaña, eh? Aburrida, el único interés para acabarla es enterarte del plot twist y… meh.
#DontWorryDarling – Die Geschichte klingt vertraut und greift bekannte Elemente auf. Doch die überwiegend starke Besetzung, tolle Inszenierung und eine fantastische Ausstattung machen dies wieder wett. Die Kritik: @warnerbrosde@twitter @dontworrydarlin@twitter
Was wie eine Idylle traditioneller Werten der 1950er-Jahre aussieht, demontiert Filmemacherin #OliviaWilde in #DontWorryDarling auf mehreren Ebenen. Inhaltlich nicht neu, aber temporeich und gelungen unterhaltsam. Zur Review: @warnerbrosde@twitter @dontworrydarlin@twitter
#DontWorryDarling #oliviawilde
In #OliviaWilde|s #DontWorryDarling kommt #FlorencePugh einem düsteren Geheimnis einer scheinbaren Vorstadtidylle auf der die Spur. Der Mystery-Thriller ist toll ausgestattet und durchweg unterhaltsam. Unsere Kritik: @warnerbrosde@twitter @dontworrydarlin@twitter
#FlorencePugh #DontWorryDarling #oliviawilde
Ever since reading her comments on #DontWorryDarling rebutting director #OliviaWilde's baffling and inaccurate description of the movie, then watching a #YouTube video of her eating some of her favorite English foods (her voice, attitude, and that laugh!), I've developed a huge crush on #FlorencePugh.
I already enjoyed her acting, but during that period I learned a tiny bit about her as a person, and she's a bendy delight 💖
And #DWD is pretty good, too bad Olivia sabotaged their #movie.
#movie #DWD #FlorencePugh #YouTube #Oliviawilde #DontWorryDarling
#DontWorryDarling ist die längste #BlackMirror-Episode aller Zeiten. Der Film ist durchaus stilsicher inszeniert, hat eine gute und kämpferische emanzipatorische Botschaft und ist toll gespielt (vor allem Florence Pugh), allerdings er auch wenig spannend, durchaus langgezogen und der vorhersehbare finale Twist auch wenig clever.
#DontWorryDarling #blackmirror
Ich habe #DontWorryDarling (2022) mit 6/10 auf #IMDb bewertet.
Nachdem #WolfgangMSchmitt den Film so in den Himmel gelobt hat, schaue ich mir jetzt auch mal #OliviaWilde‘s #DontWorryDarling an.
#wolfgangmschmitt #OliviaWilde #DontWorryDarling
#DontWorryDarling the new film is a punch in the stomach
A double bill of films that have received mixed reviews but intrigued me from their concept alone
I enjoyed them both.
I liked Dont Worry Darling pretty much because Florence Pugh is so darned captivating in the lead role (well...any role for that matter)
And Smile because it genuinely unsettled me at times and that doesn't happen too often these days 😃
#DontWorryDarling #smile #Letterboxd #film #cinema
It was a good movie. Worth watching on streaming. A solid C+/B- movie.
#Movies #MoviesToWatch #DontWorryDarling #Films
#movies #moviestowatch #DontWorryDarling #films
I’ve been using the time off to catch up on movies, too. Yesterday was a triple-feature:
#Prancer - hadn’t watched in decades, was filmed in the area where I grew up, underrated as far as small-budget Christmas movies go.
#DontWorryDarling - good in a Black Mirror episode way
#Amsterdam - had some slow moments, but what an allegory for things today.
Today is going to be #Letterkenny and maybe #GlassOnion.
#prancer #DontWorryDarling #amsterdam #letterkenny #glassonion
From the Oscars’ slap, to all the #DontWorryDarling drama, to's rap, here’s our round-up of all the chaotic moments which defined this year 💥 #Dazed2022Review
Read more:
#DontWorryDarling #dazed2022review
“My God, you fascinate me. Because I’ve been waiting for someone like you. Someone to challenge me. No great man has changed the course of history without being pushed to the limits of his potential. And you pushed me. Yeah. I do hope you keep going. And yet here you are preparing dinner like a good girl.”
Chris Pine in Don’t Worry Darling
#dontworrydarling #oliviawilde #chrispine #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#DontWorryDarling #oliviawilde #chrispine #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
From Will Smith's Oscars slap to all the #DontWorryDarling drama, here’s our round-up of all the chaotic moments which defined this year 💥 #Dazed2022Review.
#DontWorryDarling #dazed2022review
So I finished #DontWorryDarling on #HBOMax and I downgraded if from “meh” to just bad. The #movie was a boring derivative mess that substitutes actual suspense and intrigue with an overdone score. It doesn’t trust the audience to discern the theme of abuse and gaslighting without *incredibly* obvious dialogue. As @pimlius noted it seems “like a dumb person’s idea of a smart movie.” The #film does have attractive costumes and a nice set design.
#Film #movie #hbomax #DontWorryDarling
So I finished #DontWorryDarling on #HBOMax and I downgraded if from “meh” to just bad. The #movie was a boring derivative mess that substitutes actual suspense and intrigue with an overdone score. It doesn’t trust the audience to discern the theme of abuse and gaslighting without *incredibly* obvious dialogue. As @pimlius noted it seems “like a dumb person’s idea of a smart movie.” The #film does have attractive costumes and a nice set design.
#Film #movie #hbomax #DontWorryDarling
In other non Twitter related news, I’m finally watching #DontWorryDarling and thus far give it a resounding “meh.”
Just finished my review of Don't Worry Darling (2022).
#movies #movie #DontWorryDarling