Die Wahlwerbung der #noAfD hängt hier im Umkreis besonders hoch an den Straßenlaternen.
Finde ich in Zusammenhang mit #DontLookUp schon ein wenig putzig.
Israel führt Corona-Regeln wieder ein.
🇮🇱: :covid19: :mastorespirator:
Während bei uns einfach der Sommer zum Winterhalbjahr erklärt wird, in dem Erkältungen nicht unüblich seien.
I'm completely blown away by the disparity between the corporate media's coverage (and the commensurate discussion on social media) of the potential threats related to #AI and the reality of our current #ClimateEmergency.
#SystemFail #ai #climateemergency #Dontlookup #wtf
GOP debate: Is climate change real? Only one candidate raised their hand.
GOP debate: Is climate change real? Only one candidate raised their hand.
Greta Thunberg: “I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. I want you to act as if you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if the house was on fire, because it is.”
#Greece #Italy #Spain #Canada #US #Hawaii
#FossilFuelsKill #ArrestFossilFuelBosses
#DontLookUp #fire #smoke #JustStopOil
#FridaysForFuture #ExtinctionRebellion #COP28
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction
#greece #italy #spain #canada #us #hawaii #fossilfuelskill #arrestfossilfuelbosses #Dontlookup #fire #smoke #juststopoil #fridaysforfuture #extinctionrebellion #COP28 #climatechange #climatecrisis #climateaction
c'est quoi qui t"énerve exactement?
qu'on en parle autant ?
ou qu'on en parle autant et qu'il ne se passe rien ?
Freitag, 18.8., frei und ein langes Wochenende, gleich geht's zum Niederrhein, mal wieder dem dörflichen Partytrouble entfliehen. #InMeinerTimeline ist es schwülwarm mit Gewitter, Süden u Osten leiden. Ein Rant über Refa in der Pflege, Unmenschlichkeit als Geschäftsmodell, #pflegebrennt . Benjamin Blümchens Stimme verstummt für immer, Abschiednehmen von Jürgen Kluckert. Ein Hurrikane über Kalifornien, #Dontlookup Sturm gab's immer schon. Die WHO u Corona, ja was denn nun schlimm oder nicht? Moin
#Dontlookup #pflegebrennt #inmeinertimeline
So isses. Leider. Immer. Wieder.
#climatecollaps #ClimateChange
#DontlookUp https://social.tchncs.de/@SerThomas/110886322952377439
#Dontlookup #fascism #climatechange #ClimateCollaps #COVID19
Freitag, 11.8., wieder eine Woche näher am Urlaub, noch 2 Wochen. Die Enkeline verteidigt in der Kita ihre soziale Distanz. #InMeinerTimeline spielen Jethro Tull, Konzertbesuch in Hanau. Eine Elster in Nahaufnahme u ein Knollenblätterpilz. Die #klimakatastrophe ist fleißig, tödliche Brände auf Hawai, Dammbruch in Norwegen, Slowenien, Hitzewelle in Spanien, #dontlookup. Immer wieder Faschismus, diesmal inklusive Schule, alle empört, dabei läuft's jetzt schon schlecht. Im Hintergrund das 🎹. Moin
#Dontlookup #klimakatastrophe #inmeinertimeline
Wer sich wundert, warum der Ausbau der #Windkraft nicht voran kommt: Das Ministerium von #Wissing ist einer der Hauptblockierer durch fehlende Transportgenehmigungen.
Und dann auch noch die Einsparungen im Bereich #Digitalisierung ... wenn es uns nicht alle die Zukunft kosten würde, könnte man sich gemütlich zurücklehnen und diesem Schauspiel genüsslich zuschauen. #Dontlookup
#Dontlookup #digitalisierung #Wissing #windkraft
Neuer Höchststand erreicht: Meeresoberfläche so warm wie nie zuvor #Dontlookup
Revised the #ClimateChange #WeatherWheel to include "snow" in "Ice/Hail/Snow" (TY @WahbAllat for your post). Spin the wheel and see where it lands! I'm planning on printing out a copy, then putting it on signboard (with a paper fastener in the center). I'm hoping to organize or participate in a #FridaysForFuture event soon in #PortlandMaine. We needs to get out on the streets and demand #ClimateAction!
#ClimateChange #weatherwheel #fridaysforfuture #portlandmaine #climateaction #ClimateStrike #darkhumor #Dontlookup #JustLookUp
@inthehands @seachanger I just read it. And I guess that I've seen too much climate denial and apathy from a lot of folks my whole life. To the point where people think, "Oh, well, that sucks. But it can't happen to me." I guess cognitive dissonance and denial are part of human nature when faced with bad news. That's what I meant by the #DontLookUp comment. And as a former journalist, I've seen my share of editors who would rather focus on fluffy kitty stories than reality. Also -- I'm not so sure if the fossil fuel industry has the solutions, or is even capable of doing things that would actually make the situation better (like plugging up methane leaks) -- only worse. We really need to take our anger to the streets and corporate offices and governments -- and let them know that we know what's really going on and aren't buying their BS anymore!
A skyscraper-size asteroid flew closer to Earth than the moon — and scientists didn't notice until 2 days later
By Brandon Specktor, July 19, 2023
"A stealthy asteroid the size of a 20-story building hid in the sun's glare before zooming uncomfortably close to Earth on July 13. Scientists didn't notice until July 15.
"The sun remains a well-known blind spot in the search for near-Earth asteroids — and 2023 NT1 is hardly the first stealthy space rock to slip past our detection. In 2013, a roughly 59-foot-long (18 m) asteroid followed a similar path through the sun's glare and went undetected before exploding in the sky over Chelyabinsk, Russia. The explosion released a shock wave that damaged buildings and shattered glass for miles around, ultimately injuring nearly 1,500 people (but killing none).
"While scientists closely monitor more than 31,000 known near-Earth asteroids, they are well aware of the dangers posed by the solar blind spot. To address this threat, the European Space Agency is hard at work on the NEOMIR mission. The satellite, scheduled to launch around 2030, will orbit between Earth and the sun in an effort to detect large asteroids hidden in our star's shine."
#Dontlookup #JustLookUp #space #asteroids
'Swarm of boulders' in space shows the gory aftermath of #NASA's #asteroid-smashing #DART mission
The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) has left a vast field of rubble strewn around asteroid Dimorphos, Hubble images show.
By Ben Turner, July 22, 2023
"The Hubble Space Telescope has spotted the gory aftermath of the first-ever intentional collision between a spacecraft and an asteroid, revealing a debris field of at least 37 'boulders"' flung thousands of miles into space.
"On Sept. 26, NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft disintegrated as it smashed into the asteroid #Dimorphos, which is 7 million miles (11 million kilometers) from Earth, successfully changing the asteroid's trajectory.
"Now, by using Hubble to study the impact, astronomers have found that DART's roughly 14,540 mph (23,400 km/h) impact on the asteroid produced a 'swarm of boulders.' The rocks, which range from 3 to 22 feet (0.9 to 6.7 meters) in diameter, were most likely shaken loose from the asteroid's surface during the impact. The researchers published their findings July 20 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters."
#DontLookUp #JustLookUp #Space #Asteroids
#NASA #asteroid #dart #Dimorphos #Dontlookup #JustLookUp #space #asteroids