Day 93 (I missed yesterday) and 94 of 100 Day Challenge
Nyoongar word of the day
DOOKERNINY, present tense of Dookern: Cooking
Recently I've been a little lazy and sad sack, eating lots of junk food or instant shit. It felt good to actually do some home DOOKERNINY and treat myself to a proper KAALANG meal
#Dookerniny #cooking #kaalang #hot #nyoongar #noongar #noongarboodjar #language #wordoftheday #languagelearning #yearofindigenouslanguages #料理 #熱 #語言 #學語言 #國際原住民語言年 #原住民語言
#原住民語言 #國際原住民語言年 #學語言 #語言 #熱 #料理 #yearofindigenouslanguages #languagelearning #wordoftheday #language #noongarboodjar #noongar #nyoongar #hot #kaalang #cooking #Dookerniny