I haven't been posting about it, but still going strong, and it's caused several blood post ideas to begin formulating in my head...
I'm not going to get the time to write them till after #Reapercon though.
#Doomgate #dungeon23 #reapercon
Working on my #dungeon23 #DoomGate I've reached the #FungalCaves and I thought I'd share how I do caves. It's nothing you've not seen before, but I start by dropping dice onto the page and drawing circles faintly where they land. Then I draw the connecting passages, and then I go back and start making it look more like caves.
One thing I'm not so sure about is why I feel like my caverns have to be cavernous. The "rooms" here are way bigger than my usual dungeon rooms.
#dungeon23 #Doomgate #fungalcaves
June was an interesting month for my #dungon23 #DoomGate project. I had some mapping choices that I'm not 100% sold on, but also give the players a limited use teleport device...
I've been working on my #dungeon23 but not the room descriptions at all this month. Last night I caught up. An annoying number of empty rooms, and so far not a single copper in treasure.
#Megadungeon #DoomGate #HomeBrewAdventure
#dungeon23 #Megadungeon #Doomgate #homebrewadventure
#dungeon23 wrap up of February and March #DoomGate
I'm recapping my #dungeon23 #DoomGate progress on my blog. It's really helped to solidify some ideas I have about it.
#dungeon23 #Doomgate
5-1. HVAC room, full of rusted machinery, pipes & ducts. Shaft 75' up to open sky. Floor covered in leaf litter and hardy plants. 2 black widow spiders lair here. Dead halfling w/ 1,000sp, 1,200gp hangs in the webbing. Spiders will flee their webs if set on fire. Doors exiting room long ago destroyed.