Today In Labor History May 1, 1933: The first issue of the Catholic Worker was published. Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin, who were anarchist-Catholics, founded The Catholic Worker in New York City. The first run of the paper, they published 2,500 copies. By 1936, circulation was 150,000.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #CatholicWorker #DorothyDay #anarchism #catholicism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #CatholicWorker #DorothyDay #anarchism #catholicism
Verkenningen christen-anarchistisch terrein, deel 2: Zo oud dat het nieuw lijkt
De kern van het christen-anarchisme is het “evangelie binnen het evangelie”, de Bergrede (Matth. 5-7) die ook voor het christendom in het algemeen als een soort grondwet wordt aangemerkt...
#christen-anarchisme #CatholicWorker #PeterMaurin #DorothyDay #geschiedenis
#geschiedenis #DorothyDay #petermaurin #catholicworker #christen
Reading June Jordan's essays from the 1990s, collected in AFFIRMATIVE ACTS. A good remedy for grief and worry -- solidarity, ancestry, action. Makes sense. It matters to know one's fight is not new and not solitary. Like Dorothy Day wrote, we have all known the long loneliness and we know that the answer is love, and that love comes in community. Thankful for the writing of both of these people. #JuneJordan #DorothyDay #ActiveHope #Solidarity
#junejordan #DorothyDay #activehope #solidarity
If you were putting together a #playlist of #songs inspired by or made you think of #DorothyDay what songs would you include on that list?
Let’s build a society where it’s easier for people to be good to each other.
#DorothyDay (1897 - 1980)
quoted in #KristaTippett (1960)
#BecomingWise (2016)
#becomingwise #kristatippett #DorothyDay
The other day at my volunteer gig serving food to #unhoused people, I met a man who recently retired from being their kitchen manager but still comes back to help out, who came into that work because of his love for #DorothyDay. So, now I keep my copy of Unruly Saint by DL Mayfield in my car just in case I see him there again so I can share it with him.
(I already read it. It's great. You should read it too!)
#UnrulySaint #DLMayfield
#Unhoused #DorothyDay #unrulysaint #dlmayfield
“What we would like to do is change the crying out unceasingly for the rights of the workers, of the poor, of the destitute. We can throw our pebble in the pond and be confident that its ever widening circle will reach around the world.” - Dorothy Day
#DorothyDay #CatholicWorker #SocialJustice #ChangeTheWorld #WorkersRights #WorksOfMercy
#DorothyDay #catholicworker #socialjustice #changetheworld #WorkersRights #worksofmercy
New Instance, new #introduction (3/3).
And no, I'm not interested in conspiracy theories.
Per my bio, I'm a fangirl of both St. #JosemariaEscriva and #DorothyDay; I also count Sts. #EdithStein, #FaustinaKowalska, and #MaximilianKolbe; Ven. #BrunoLanteri; #ThomasMerton; and #HenriNouwen among my personal squad of saints. I look forward to connecting with Catholics and others of faith here.
Primary Mastodon account: [at]
#introduction #josemariaescriva #DorothyDay #edithstein #faustinakowalska #maximiliankolbe #brunolanteri #thomasmerton #HenriNouwen
Today in Labor History November 30, 1980: Anarchist, pacifist, and co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement, Dorothy Day, died on this date in New York City.
#DorothyDay #anarchism #catholic #labor #workingclass #pacifism
#DorothyDay #anarchism #catholic #labor #workingclass #pacifism
"Il vero ateo è chi nega l'immagine di Dio in uno di questi 'più piccoli' " (cf. Mt 25,40)
🪦#DorothyDay died today in 1980. Here's a free article exploring the extent to which she was influenced by #LeoTolstoy: #anarchism #pacifism #anticlericalism
Short summary: Day frequently mentioned Tolstoy, but almost only his #fiction. Paper explores extent of Tolstoy’s influence beyond just fiction based on close reading of #archivalsources. Demonstrates Tolstoy’s #political & #religious views did leave significant impression on Day & #CatholicWorkerMovement. Notably: D had early (if discreet) passion for T; T’s helped cement D’s #anarchism & #pacifism, & T (through #Hennacy) helped inspire CW’s embrace of #civildisobedience
#DorothyDay #LeoTolstoy #anarchism #pacifism #anticlericalism #fiction #archivalsources #political #religious #catholicworkermovement #hennacy #civildisobedience
"Spendi la tua vita
lavorando per qualcosa
che la faccia durare
oltre la morte"
@PaulDitz I totally get it. I was raised by two Pastors, though my father was raised Catholic and kept much of that theology/philosophy. Even as a child I never liked the concept of a church, though not always necessarily a concept of faith, recognizing similar things as you. I definitely still had work to do and mental deconstruction before I could approach a space that allowed me to come across people like #DorothyDay.
@PaulDitz I totally get it. I was raised by two Pastors, though my father was raised Catholic and kept much of that theology/philosophy. Even as a child I never liked the concept of a church, though not always necessarily a concept of faith, recognizing similar things as you. I definitely still had work to do and mental deconstruction before I could approach a space that allowed me to come across people like #DorothyDay.
Excited to read this book that released today! Unruly Saints is about #DorothyDay and the #CatholicWorkerMovement, written by the incredible D.L. Mayfield.
#DorothyDay #CatholicWorkerMovement
“The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution that has to start with each one of us.”
Happy Birthday, Dorothy Day.
In the best news I've heard all week category, they named a Staten Island Ferry after Dorothy Day! Having a mode of transportation for the working people of NY named after her would probably make her happier than sainthood!
#CatholicWorker #anarchism #DorothyDay
> The US #ConferenceOfBishops has urged that the federal #MinimumWage be increased, for the working poor. #Santorum in the Senate repeatedly voted against the minimum wage..
> A flourishing #Catholic community contributed to social debates and so improved American democracy– witness #DorothyDay and the #CatholicWorker movement.
> .. the arguments .. about the balance between #conscience and the #obligations of #CivilLaw should be welcomed..
#JuanCole #LaudatoSi
#LaudatoSi #juancole #civillaw #obligations #conscience #CatholicWorker #DorothyDay #catholic #Santorum #minimumwage #ConferenceOfBishops