The Never Ending Dorries Story
by The Marsh Family.
Yes she is still taking her salary, and yes she still does nothing in her parliamentary job for it.
That's bad enough, but she still bitches on about her peerage cancellation as if she'd earned it!
James O'Brien bids farewell to #NadneDorries
#LBC #JamesOBrien #Dorries
#nadnedorries #lbc #JamesOBrien #Dorries
Prof Tim Wilson reviews the #NadineDorries highlight reel
#nadinedorries #greatesthits #ukpol #Dorries
Michael Spicer on that #NadineDorries resignation interview
#Dorries #ukpol
#nadinedorries #Dorries #ukpol
BBC News - Nadine Dorries resigns: Conservative MP attacks PM as she quits Commons
Nadine #Dorries' resignation letter is quite something. She hints at sorts of murky goings on in the #Tory party. Missing, however, are the issues which most of the population know brought down the last four prime ministers- #Cameron's disastrous #Brexit referendum, #May's inability to deal with the machinations of the Right, #Johnson's allowing Downing Street to become a #party venue during #COVID, and #Truss's economic imbecility
#dorriesresignation #Truss #COVID #party #johnson #may #brexit #cameron #tory #Dorries
Nadine Dorries resigns: Conservative MP attacks PM as she finally quits Commons …at long last.
In a lengthy statement Ms #Dorries accused Mr #Sunak of "demeaning his office by opening the gates to whip up a public frenzy" against her.
Surely any demeaning , and whipping up of public frenzy was all of her own making? Pretty sure that’s how her ill-served constituents will see it.
@Sheencr annual salary £x,000. So that's (11/52)*salary = a useful delay! 😉
#nadinedorries #Dorries #ukpolitics
#Partygate: #ReesMogg and #Dorries likely to be named in ‘ContemptsOfParliament’ report
Special report will raise issues encountered during initial inquiry into #Johnson rule breaches
#ToryCorruption #johnson #Dorries #reesmogg #PartyGate
#Dorries, #Cruddas and #Rees-Mogg should all be thrown out of #Parliament, an institution for when ch they have such contempt
#parliament #rees #Cruddas #Dorries
"Nadine Dorries launched a scathing attack on Rishi Sunak, branding him a 'loser'".
Ah yes, "scathing". Hopefully Sunak responded with: "I know you are but what am I?"
#Dorries #pathetic #ukpolitics
Cock up or conspiracy over Nadine #Dorries, Alok #Sharma and Nigel #Adam's peerages? Robert #Peston isn't sure!
#johnsonresignation #Peston #adam #Sharma #Dorries
Before voters say of how shit their leaders are they must first take responsibility for making complete tosser buffoons & sly spiteful cats into leaders in the first place!
So you Tory voting tossers can suck it up & shut up as well!
You did this!
#partygate #dorries #johnson
As someone who grew up in places not dissimilar to Nadine Dorries, the idea that her ennoblement would’ve been an inspiration to the working classes is absolute insanity. Even by her very high standards. #UKPolitics #Dorries
"#Dorries said: “The solution to most problems in politics are usually quite simple – you need the right leader, you need the right vision and you need to make people feel inspired" ( -
echoing the calls of #Totalitarians and #Populists.
In an increasingly interwoven and interdependent world, wrestling with ancient and intractable human problems, alongside more recent existential threats, the very notion that solutions are simple is delusional and a danger to democracy
#populists #totalitarians #Dorries
‘I have to remove myself’: Nadine Dorries to step down as an MP
Good Riddance!