Jack #Dorsey, the founder and former head of #Twitter Corporation, declared that he alone is responsible for the "wrong thing for the internet and society" that took place while he was in charge.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1602994077036838912
In 2018 Jack Dorsey said “we certainly don’t #shadowban based on political viewpoints” – today it was confirmed that #Dorsey was lying
In 2018 Jack Dorsey said “we certainly don’t #shadowban based on political viewpoints” – today it was confirmed that #Dorsey was lying
Jack #Dorsey ha parlato di #bitcoin e nuovamente di #bluesky https://www.digitalinformationworld.com/2021/06/twitters-ceo-jack-dorsey-believes.html
Dalla brace alla padella: il triste caso dei social e di Trump https://www.articolo21.org/2021/01/dalla-brace-alla-padella-il-triste-caso-dei-social-e-di-trump/ #CambridegeAnalytica #ThierryBreton #Informazione #CapitolHill #hatespeech #overthetop #Zuckerberg #instagram #Articoli #facebook #fakenews #LeMaire #Twitter #Dorsey #merkel #Trump
#Trump #Merkel #Dorsey #twitter #LeMaire #FakeNews #facebook #articoli #instagram #zuckerberg #overthetop #hatespeech #capitolhill #informazione #ThierryBreton #CambridegeAnalytica
You can imagine some African leaders being the next… but 'the pesky leaders of 2 South American countries can’t touch #fascist scum #Zuckerberg or #Dorsey. The thought process is, they can’t do squat aside from restricting their access to coffee beans & good quality fruit.
It’s allowing Facebook & Twitter to slip into promoting this alleged enlightened view of the world, where a few powerful & wealthy #MotherFuckers get to decide what should be allowed & what shouldn’t.~
#fascist #Zuckerberg #Dorsey #MotherFuckers