Col. Macgregor: Ukraine is About to be ANNIHILATED (Exclusive Interview)
Colonel #DouglasMacgregor sits down with Stephen Gardner to update us on the #Ukraine Russia war. Did #nato want this war? Will the US trigger world war 3 in order to prop up #Bidenadministration and his white house? Was the #ChineseSpyBalloon to embarrass Biden or is it to #distract Americans? Can Ukraine beat Putin? Can Nato beat Putin?
#distract #ChineseSpyBalloon #Bidenadministration #nato #ukraine #DouglasMacgregor
#russia #war #ukraine #bottomline #DouglasMacgregor
BREAKING: Odessa Falls
#Odessa #Ukraine #Russia #War #DouglasMacgregor
#DouglasMacgregor #war #russia #ukraine #odessa
American Colonel Describes what’s going to Happen with Ukraine
#Russia #Ukraine #War #Colonel #DouglasMacgregor
#DouglasMacgregor #colonel #war #ukraine #russia
US retired colonel Douglas MacGregor: “Inzet van westerse troepen in Oekraïne is waanzin”
Rusland heeft zich uit tactische overwegingen uit Charkow en Cherson teruggetrokken. Onderwijl is een groot strategisch offensief in voorbereiding. Westerse troepen inzetten is complete waanzin, aldus g
#internationaal #Charkow #Cherson #DouglasMacgregor #kiev
Retired Col. #DouglasMacgregor says #America is waging a #proxywar in #Ukraine
#ukraine #proxywar #America #DouglasMacgregor
Retired Col. #DouglasMacgregor says #America is waging a #proxywar in #Ukraine
#ukraine #proxywar #America #DouglasMacgregor
Retired Col. #DouglasMacgregor says #America is waging a #proxywar in #Ukraine
#ukraine #proxywar #America #DouglasMacgregor