I wonder if any of the #ReadingHeyer #DowagersAssemble #GeorgetteHeyerReadalong crowd have read A Lady's Guide to Fortune Hunting? And what they made of it?
I found it quite enjoyable, but for me it really highlighted how amazingly good Heyer was - creating that world and that voice and never letting it slip for a moment - making you genuinely believe it was a period piece, even if she did invent some of the slang herself. And how detailed her research was...
#ReadingHeyer #DowagersAssemble #GeorgetteHeyerReadalong
@gmp And another Dowager joins the throng at our digital Almack's! Welcome, Geraldine! #DowagersAssemble
Which Georgette Heyer novel would you recommend to a total newcomer to her historical romances as a good one to begin with? (Not me: I've been reading her for decades. This is a public service for the Heyer-curious.)
#GeorgetteHeyer #reading #historical #romance #DowagersAssemble #ReadingHeyer #HeyerCurious
#GeorgetteHeyer #reading #historical #romance #DowagersAssemble #ReadingHeyer #HeyerCurious
@katehandheld It developed over on the birdsite during first lockdown, and was a sort of online reading group. We haven't done one for a while, but when we've settled in here, I think it would be fun to do another. Enjoying the books is the only requirement.
#ReadingHeyer #DowagersAssemble
#DowagersAssemble #ReadingHeyer
@Jen @nysuri It developed over on the birdsite during first lockdown, and was a sort of online reading group. We haven't done one for a while, but when we've settled in here, I think it would be fun to do another. Enjoying the books is the only requirement.
#ReadingHeyer #DowagersAssemble
#DowagersAssemble #ReadingHeyer
@virtuosew Can I join? V keen on Heyer. #ReadingHeyer #DowagersAssemble
#ReadingHeyer #DowagersAssemble
@nysuri Welcome! Good to see you. Try the hashtag #DowagersAssemble to find some more of the #ReadingHeyer group.
#GeorgetteHeyer #GeorgetteHeyerReadalong
#GeorgetteHeyerReadalong #GeorgetteHeyer #ReadingHeyer #DowagersAssemble
@Venetiasbooth I remember wondering early in the #GeorgetteHeyerReadalong , when Lucie was rate-limited, whether we should all just sweep out and set up our own instance. But it is rather fun to have #DowagersAssemble gradually and appear in my timeline!
#DowagersAssemble #GeorgetteHeyerReadalong
@MeherO So far, no-one has had to be ejected for turning up improperly dressed! #DowagersAssemble
@virtuosew Hi, lovely to see so many #DowagersAssemble here.
Almost Almacks.
Welcome @LBAAlison!
Other friends with publishing- adjacent interests are talking of #Bookodon as their equivalent of #DowagersAssemble, but I don't know how widespread it has become.
Welcome to Mastodon, @Venetiasbooth !
Useful to search for #knitting, #crochet, and other interesting hashtags!
#crochet #knitting #DowagersAssemble
@GrowlyCub I think @ailbhe found it, and she's not on this server. I can't see hashtags being useful if they weren't visible across the whole of Mastodon, and they are much used.