Frogs, frogs, and more frogs. Down We Go and Lair of the Frog God, reviewed together after playing my students after school.
#TTRPG #TTRPGBlogs #DownWeGo #LairOfTheFrogGod #TTRPGReviews
#ttrpg #ttrpgblogs #DownWeGo #lairofthefroggod #ttrpgreviews
From PlusOneExp:
"It's #SelfPromoSaturday & tomorrow we get RAW!
Join us for the 1st half of a Down We Go #TTRPG actual play w/@Keganexe
@RatgrrrlGames @alexyquest
& creator @ApesofWrath_RPG
. Tony will be running the game to showcase the narrative and practical GM elements. Links in next tweet 1/2"
Down We Go RAW"
Let's Play
April 23rd and 22nd at 2P ET
#TTRPG #IndieTTRPG #DownWeGo #PlusOneExp #NotDnD #ActualPlay
#selfpromosaturday #ttrpg #indiettrpg #DownWeGo #plusoneexp #notdnd #actualplay
From @plusoneexp
Baring a few address issues all crowdfunding & preorder copies of Down We Go #TTRPG have shipped.
Read the full update here and get ready for some amazing things from Plus One Exp, @ApesofWrath_RPG & the Cult coming soon. "
So freaking hype for this!
Down We Go, Down We Go, Down We Go!
Down We Go, Down We Go, Down We Goooo!
Down We Go, Down We Go, Down We Go!
#ttrpg #indiettrpg #DownWeGo #plusoneexp #notdnd
Well, my Monday #OldMasters table into Tomb of Annihilation went swimmingly well; in Maddgoth’s castle, we settled the two antagonists by getting them into an Odd Couple cohabitation, and set off to Level 8. #DownWeGo
TTRPGs I'd like to play next(-ish):
#UVG / #UltravioletGrasslands
#Spire / #Heart
and TTRPGs I'll run at the drop of a hat:
#TrophyDark / #TrophyGold
... and so many more. I love running new things for new people, and, as the kids say, my DMs are open. (I think—are there DMs here? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
#lancer #Mausritter #Pendragon #bandofblades #uvg #UltravioletGrasslands #Spire #heart #PsiRun #GhostsOfElPaso #masks #BrindlewoodBay #TheBetween #TrophyDark #trophygold #TheEmpireNeverEnded #WizardsGrimoire #CBR #DownWeGo