RT @dhavalkulkarni
Why publication of Dr B.R. Ambedkar's thesis a century later will be significant. #Ambedkar argues for the need to reduce state expenditure on heads like defence and increase social sector spending. Story for @Indiatoday
#economics #history #DrAmbedkar
#ambedkar #economics #history #DrAmbedkar
RT @RajuKendree
Today, In Drass region of Kargil, we began our workshop by remembering and paying homage to #DrAmbedkar on his Mahaparinirvan Din.
He's a global icon for education, and an emblem of social justice. We hope to inspire his message among students all over.
Dec 6 is the death anniversary of one of the one person who made a huge positive impact on India, #DrAmbedkar. A great mind, a fascinating writer, a clear-headed, visionary leader who inspired many, and thanks to him, many are able to break through the limitations of generational deprivation. A true hero of modern India with a deep understanding of its society/history.
On this occasion here are many of his works in electronic format (epub/pdf).
RT @RajuKendree
बाबासाहेबांच्या प्रेरणेतून मागच्या वर्षभरातच शेकडो ग्लोबल स्कोलर्स सोबत काम सुरू केलय. एकलव्यच जे काम आज राष्ट्रीय संस्थांमध्ये दिसतंय, येत्या काळात तेच काम ग्लोबल पातळीवरही दिसेल. हेच अभिवादन आजच्या महापरिवर्तन दिनानिमित्ताने करतो.
#DrAmbedkar #mahaparinirvandin2022
“democratize access to divinity”
“Nirvana is not a place of blissed out disassociation. It is a place of deep integration”
@dalitdiva in her lucid flow, as always.
#Casteism #CasteApartheid #Buddhism #Yoga #Decolonization #Debrahminization #DrAmbedkar #MastIndia
#mastindia #DrAmbedkar #debrahminization #decolonization #yoga #buddhism #casteapartheid #casteism