Its not complicated to understand the concept of synergistic toxicity, for example chemical reactions like aluminum & mercury or medication with contraindications. Just because they wont tell us what exactly is "COVID19" dose not mean that it dose not exist & that the condition called "COVID19" dose not exist , in my experience. Also that dose not mean its only one thing with one mechanism of action. Referencing twenty four previous posts here -> #countryvideo1 . I think Dr. Judy Mikovits said "sarscov2 is a monkey virus" not "COVID19" .
#drjudymikovits -
(For Educational & Informative Purposes Only Not Medical Advice Please Consult A Qualified Health Care Provider. ) #frankenshottransmission #gsh
#countryvideo1 #DrJudyMikovits #gsh #frankenshottransmission
As I See It- Lyme Disease and CIRS | Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker -
#drjudymikovits #drshoemaker
#DrJudyMikovits #drshoemaker #theantifungalbiotoxindetoxprotocol
ARTK, Sherry B & Dr. Judy Mikovits - Pt.2 -
#countryvideo #drjudymikovits
Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD & Dr Lee Merritt - Restore Freedom Rally January Twenty Third Twenty Twenty Three -
#drjudymikovits #drleemerritt #countryvideo
#DrJudyMikovits #DrLeeMerritt #countryvideo
A Warrior Calls - We Stand & Fight As One -
#awarriorcalls #drjudymikovits #countryvideo
#awarriorcalls #DrJudyMikovits #countryvideo
I joined #Gettr to FOLLOW #DrMalone
💔He was 1 of the Very 1st to SAY “THIS IS NOT GOOD!”
💔Right out of the Gate
💔At the VERY Start
💔In the Beginning…
It was
#DrTenPenny & the 5 Docs
🙏I’m sure there are MANY others too that I haven’t Mentioned
🙏So Sorry!!!
I’m happy to Add anyone I’ve Left Out 🙏
#ReinerFuellmich #RobertFKennedyJr #AnnVandersteel #OwenShroyer #alexjones #MikeAdams #DrJaneRuby #DrJudyMikovits #DrPeterMcCullough #StewPeters #JohnOLooney #DelBigtree #drzelenko #DrRichardFleming #DrLucMontagnier #DrNorthrup #DrLarryPalevsky #DrCarrieMadje #DrLeeMerritt #DrTenpenny #DrMalone #GETTR
Dr. Judy Mikovits Predicted The Vaccine Deaths Now Occurring In 2021 Years Ago
Worldview Radio's Latest Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits: Just How Dangerous is the Covid-19 Vaccination, Will It Decrease Birth Rates, Cause A Worse Strain, & Be Fatal to Millions Long Term?
#DrJudyMikovits #JudyMikovits #eugenics #Covid19vaccine #Covidvaccination
#DrJudyMikovits #JudyMikovits #eugenics #covid19vaccine #Covidvaccination