Luciferase - Dr. Lee Merritt - (harvard link in description inactive) -
archive . org PDF - Harvard Link -
#countryvideo #drleemerritt
Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD & Dr Lee Merritt - Restore Freedom Rally January Twenty Third Twenty Twenty Three -
#drjudymikovits #drleemerritt #countryvideo
#DrJudyMikovits #DrLeeMerritt #countryvideo
#BAlertNews with #LeonBenjamin: #DrLeeMerritt slams "evil worshippers" for engineering multi-dimensional mankind #extinction program
#BAlertNews #LeonBenjamin #DrLeeMerritt #extinction
#BAlertNews with #LeonBenjamin: #DrLeeMerritt slams "evil worshippers" for engineering multi-dimensional mankind #extinction program
#BAlertNews #LeonBenjamin #DrLeeMerritt #extinction
#DrLeeMerritt Hey for my Birthday, March 23, 2023, born in 1960, so I am 63. can you share this show this evening with this suggestion? #Costbenefitanalysis. My Dad was a #costaccountant. Suggest to Dr. Lee Merritt from PG maybe it is just time to return to #Jeremiah616 to the ancient paths. Cut it all down. #Electricity, #War#Death Follow
#war #electricity #Jeremiah616 #costaccountant #CostBenefitAnalysis #DrLeeMerritt
#DrLeeMerritt Hey for my Birthday, March 23, 2023, born in 1960, so I am 63. can you share this show this evening with this suggestion? #Costbenefitanalysis. My Dad was a #costaccountant. Suggest to Dr. Lee Merritt from PG maybe it is just time to return to #Jeremiah616 to the ancient paths. Cut it all down. #Electricity, #War#Death Follow
#war #electricity #Jeremiah616 #costaccountant #CostBenefitAnalysis #DrLeeMerritt
The #MonopolizationOfInformation Is Creating #PsychologicalDamage (Podcast Clip)
Today on the Naturally Inspired Podcast Clip: Tammy talks with #DrLeeMerritt about Korean war veterans, brainwashed, voodoo, psychological principles, monopolization of information, Klaus Schwab, speak out, Knowledge is the antidote to fear, fear of death, vaccines, pill for every ill, flu, stockholm syndrome, psychological damage, child abuse, masks
#DrLeeMerritt #PsychologicalDamage #MonopolizationOfInformation
I joined #Gettr to FOLLOW #DrMalone
💔He was 1 of the Very 1st to SAY “THIS IS NOT GOOD!”
💔Right out of the Gate
💔At the VERY Start
💔In the Beginning…
It was
#DrTenPenny & the 5 Docs
🙏I’m sure there are MANY others too that I haven’t Mentioned
🙏So Sorry!!!
I’m happy to Add anyone I’ve Left Out 🙏
#ReinerFuellmich #RobertFKennedyJr #AnnVandersteel #OwenShroyer #alexjones #MikeAdams #DrJaneRuby #DrJudyMikovits #DrPeterMcCullough #StewPeters #JohnOLooney #DelBigtree #drzelenko #DrRichardFleming #DrLucMontagnier #DrNorthrup #DrLarryPalevsky #DrCarrieMadje #DrLeeMerritt #DrTenpenny #DrMalone #GETTR
Dr. Lee Merritt On Guillain-Barre Syndrome And Covid And History Of Vaccines, Electrical Currents And Pandemics
#DrLeeMerritt #brannonhowselive #brannonhowse #Covid #Vaccines #pandemic
#pandemic #vaccines #COVID #BrannonHowse #BrannonHowseLive #DrLeeMerritt
Medical Experts Refute Covid Shot Propaganda of Creation Ministry
#brannonhowselive #brannonhowse #KarenKingston #COVID19 #creationministry #DrJamesThorp #DrLeeMerritt
#DrLeeMerritt #DrJamesThorp #creationministry #COVID19 #karenkingston #BrannonHowse #BrannonHowseLive
"70% or more of the gross corporate wealth of the world is held in the hands of about 150 guys"
Dr Lee Merritt interview on Hearts of Oak Podcast
Download from Podbean or the app of your choice! #DrLeeMerritt
Dr Lee Merritt: American Frontline Doctors - Holding the Government to Account & Educating the Public
Watch the full episode on gabTV
Hit play for a clip ⏯️ #DrLeeMerritt #Vaccines
#MatthewBracken tells #DrLeeMerritt fight of #CanadianTruckers is fight to the finish against #globalists #freedomconvoy
#freedomconvoy #globalists #CanadianTruckers #DrLeeMerritt #MatthewBracken
#MatthewBracken tells #DrLeeMerritt fight of #CanadianTruckers is fight to the finish against #globalists #freedomconvoy
#freedomconvoy #globalists #CanadianTruckers #DrLeeMerritt #MatthewBracken
#MatthewBracken tells #DrLeeMerritt fight of #CanadianTruckers is fight to the finish against #globalists #freedomconvoy
#freedomconvoy #globalists #CanadianTruckers #DrLeeMerritt #MatthewBracken