Discussing NDE's & Consciousness
Dr Penny Sartori & Anthony Peake Video
UK 2023 February 06th
Time 2030-2130 Callin LinkĀ https://callin.com/link/JnnobLakMc
#Contemplation #Consciousness #philosphy #Discussion #Lifestory #biology #science
#contemplation #consciousness #philosphy #discussion #lifestory #biology #Science #DrPennySartori #ANTHONYPEAKE
Discussing #NDE's & Consciousness Video
Dr Penny Sartori & Anthony Peake (https://youtu.be/F6TRsTUj8WM)
#Contemplation #Consciousness #philosphy #Discussion #Lifestory #biology #science
#DrPennySartori #AnthonyPeake
#nde #contemplation #consciousness #philosphy #discussion #lifestory #biology #Science #DrPennySartori #ANTHONYPEAKE
Curious to know if or have watched etc these folks: These are good taste testers #AnthonyPeake "Internal Light" (#KR-CENTRAL FILMS) https://t.co/V3oPnSGNb8.
#DrPennySartori https://t.co/QmsI9p3MPq
#StuartHameroff https://t.co/s5mb1I2Nd2
#MyronDyal film 13 minutes https://t.co/ErAAPV00hr
password: charon
Details https://t.co/LElo0Bcxg5
#consciousness #NDE #NearDeathExperience #Neuroscience #Life #lifeAfterDeath #Neurology #Artist #Researchers #authors
#ANTHONYPEAKE #KR #DrPennySartori #StuartHameroff #MyronDyal #consciousness #nde #neardeathexperience #neuroscience #Life #lifeafterdeath #neurology #artist #researchers #authors
@perpetualmystic Hi same for myself, in this world you never know who you might meet along with where that will go.
Looking forward to this adventure.
Curious to know if you are familiar with these researchers? #ANTHONYPEAKE "Internal Light" (#KR-CENTRAL FILMS) https://t.co/V3oPnSGNb8.
#DrPennySartori https://t.co/QmsI9p3MPq #NDE
#StuartHameroff https://t.co/s5mb1I2Nd2
#MyronDyal film 13 min #Mystic #Artist #epilepsy #TLE
pwd: charon
#ANTHONYPEAKE #KR #DrPennySartori #nde #StuartHameroff #MyronDyal #Mystic #artist #epilepsy #TLE #consciousness