Scrolling through #DrWhoDay posts and feeling the old familiar pang of nostalgia for the 4th and 5th Doctor years 🤕
During breakfast, I searched for sounds for my micro-macro-amplifier to listen to #bacteria. Now Prof. Vaccae tells me about #soilLife and #microbiomes and I have to #script our #interview. It's such fun to work with micro-macro wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff! Yes, without #DrWho I would never be crazy enough for my #podcast #NatureMatchCuts, never. #DrWhoDay #SciComm
#scicomm #DrWhoDay #NatureMatchCuts #podcast #drwho #interview #script #microbiomes #soillife #bacteria
Happy #DoctorWhoDay! Join the cast of #DoctorWho as we wish the show a happy birthday! #DrWhoDay
#DrWhoDay #doctorwho #doctorwhoday