Picked up the #dragonbane #rpg quickstart rulebook at my #flgs and gotta say it's cracking! Mallard paladin is best paladin
I have just received my latest order from @wfgWorkshop : Encounter with the Demon Lord. Largely inspired by Dragonbane, this drawing will hang on the wall next to my drawing table. I hope it will inspire me!
@chaosfae I am having those needs very well served by #Dragonbane
It's the game I think I've been searching for for the last 10 years.
I ran my first #Dragonbane yesterday. It was a little challenging. Despite reading the rules a couple of times, I forgot most of them. But the group was nice and we learned the game together.
• Archmagister had blown himself up because of arcane mishap.
• Knight mallard had buried inside a sarcophagus.
• Wolfkin fighter's skull is crashed by a morningstar.
• Halfling thief was stuck into a tunnel.
• Elf hunter managed to runaway by herself, saving the key piece they found in the beginning.
Last sunday of a month means, "Tryout a new game" day!
I will try #Dragonbane #DrakarochDemoner from #FreeLeaguePublishing today.
I will drop my experience later on.
#DragonBane #drakarochdemoner #FreeLeaguePublishing
I wrote an article about ”Drakar och demoner”/”Dragonbane” for the local morning paper, interviewing a gaming association, and @landgraf who wrote one of the adventures (among other thing).
#drakarochdemoner #DragonBane #ttrpg
A dragon in the wild! Gotta appreciate Fria Ligan’s marketing push with #drakarochdemoner #dragonbane. A sign of the #TTRPG scene moving more mainstream?
#drakarochdemoner #DragonBane #ttrpg
I don't do a lot of #TTRPG quest writing - my games are mostly a lot of worldbuilding reacting to the party - but I find myself wanting to put something on paper for #Dragonbane. It's been in my head since we played it - I'm trying to adapt an early @thenatura1s adventure!
Lots more from-scratch homebrew than I'm used to; usually more of a kitbash guy, but (so far) 3 spells, 3 monsters, & maybe a new kin? Interesting experiment, trying to keep the same monster vibe in quite a different system.
ADHD&D of the Day:
I like #DarkSun, but AD&D is incomprehensible, 3rd Ed. is way too complex, and 5th Ed. has no psionics.
But I think #Dragonbane could be a fun game system for an Athas campaign with a bunch of custom spells.
Played my first game of #Dragonbane yesterday, it was lots of fun and everyone enjoyed it! Combat is very tactical and intense. Played very well in #FoundryVTT
New Site Post: Dungeons & Dragonbane
While I'm really happy to have finally found a game suited for D&D-like fantasy worlds without having to deal with the D&D rules, there are a few things from D&D which I still like to carry over into #Dragonbane campaigns.
- The importance of making campaigns about the PCs, and letting the players determine where the story will go.
- Worldbuilding campaign settings with a unique and evocative character.
- Structuring campaigns with irregular attendence and alternating PCs to have more story than basic dungeon crawl or West Marches games.
- Setting up sandbox campaigns to facilitate big picture stories.
- Magic items in #Dragonbane
- Homebrew magic exoansions for Dragonbane.
- Star Wars d6 RPG campains.
Playing around with setting up #Foundry for #Dragonbane without purchasing the Add-On that automatically imports all the skills, weapons, spells, and so on, and instead doing it manually.
And just was surprised that a new custom NPC character sheet automatically includes all the skills I manually created. It's things like these that make me understand why Foundry costs money while Roll20 doesn't, and I feel I'm getting something for my money.
#Foundry #DragonBane #foundryvtt #ttrpg
Windheim & Horn of the Dawn is part of the official Open Game License from Free League to the Dragonbane community. That means this is not a Free League project but should fall within their guidelines.
#dragonbane #ttrpg
This is the first time an RPG I laid out is advertised on subway billboards. I think. #dragonbane #drakarochdemoner
New week in #TTPRG
• #Dragonbane will be released tomorrow by @freeleaguepub
• Ongoing #Nyarlathotep group will go further in Australia
• We will do our session zero for the fresh #MasksofNyarlathotep group if we can find a 3rd asap
• I will run my first #TheOneRing game on sunday
• Aaand I will continue writing my books during the week
What are your plans for this week?
#ttprg #DragonBane #Nyarlathotep #masksofnyarlathotep #theonering
I’ve been planning/reading/preparing for an Achtung! Cthulhu campaign for a while now. It’s a slow process (for me).
I just got my #Dragonbane bundle recently and I thought I’d run that “in the mean time” since there is a #FoundryVTT core set and also the full campaign (basically no prep). A single day and I feel ready to run a full campaign… Great system, looks like a ton of fun! Well done #FreeLeague!
#DragonBane #foundryvtt #FreeLeague
... i Just realized that #Dragonbane _came_ with a set of dice. They're just in the box where I'm not use to looking for dice. Didn't need to go find other dice.
I was thinking of playing the solo adventure that comes with #Dragonbane (side note: ridiculously impressed with the system) but when I reached for dice at my side-table I discovered that i _only_ have narrative dice in the living room.
#Genesys dice, #SpiralDice, and #Shiver dice…
#DragonBane #Genesys #spiraldice #shiver