BNHP Dragon Dice RPG will be at Gen Con
SFR, Inc, publishers of the Dragon Dice battle game (designed by yours truly), today received copies of the Bookmark HP Dragon Dice RPG (also by yours truly) from their printer, in time for Gen Con!
As you can see in the photo, to adapt BNHP rules to the unique dice of the tabletop gam
#Announcements #BookmarkNoHPRPG #DiceCardGames #DragonDice #GameDesign #RoleplayingGames
#announcements #bookmarknohprpg #dicecardgames #DragonDice #gamedesign #roleplayinggames
Bookmark Dragon Dice: Shirrah’s 1st Adventure!
For a couple of decades now, I've been telling SFR, Inc. that a Dragon Dice role-playing game was in the offing. I dipped my toe in the water back in 2014, with a setting chapter in the D6xD6 RPG launch, but I was hoping to expand that further. But too many
#Announcements #BookmarkNoHPRPG #Dice&cardgames #DragonDice #GameDesign #Oldgamedesigns #Role-playinggames
#announcements #bookmarknohprpg #dice #DragonDice #gamedesign #oldgamedesigns #role