...e adesso si torna su Krynn.
#dungeonsanddragons #DragonLance #margaretweis #tracyhickman #fantasy #books
#dungeonsanddragons #DragonLance #margaretweis #tracyhickman #fantasy #books
I read through old #Dragonlance rules books and accessories (1e/2e). I loved the novels back in the days, I was DMing DL/AD&D games through a significant time during childhood.Topic equally sentimental as launching floppy disks from refurbished Amiga computer to me. So I read them again and I so much want to love it, but this world is so irrational, beyond any magic that can automatically fix is without significant revision made by dedicated fans. I don’t rely on WOTC, they fucked up D&D already
i #ForgottenRealms nacquero come un’Ambientazione onnicomprensiva dei possibili #stilidigioco permessi da #DnD, cercando di mettere insieme il vecchio retaggio degli anni ‘70 con l’impulso di #Dragonlance. Si vede chiaramente prendendo in mano il primo volume della collana, il #CampaingSet del 1987: si può notare subito dalla sua organizzazione, insomma dall’#Indice
#forgottenrealms #stilidigioco #dnd #DragonLance #campaingset #indice
Con questo #articolo si fa un passo avanti nella storia dei #Videogame di #DnD. Secondo le fonti, durante questa stagione – anche se poi serviranno sempre dei mesi – tocca al #videogioco #Hillsfar. Così siamo al quinto, e per una volta ancora andiamo avanti e indietro tra un’#Ambientazione e l’altra, da #Dragonlance ai #ForgottenRealms. C’è però una sorta di novità dietro alcuni elementi di continuità (non ultimo quello dell’anno: siamo ancora nel 1989).
#articolo #videogame #dnd #videogioco #hillsfar #ambientazione #DragonLance #forgottenrealms
@dragongold sounds like a plan, check the art from #Dragonlance setting in the old #adnd world. 80s and 90s, lot of good artists focused on #dragons. You can try to copy them as a starter. Show some results, if that resonates.
It's good to have some offline hobby as well. #AD&D #books collection #KultRPG #Battlesystem #Dragonlance #ConspiracyX
#ad #books #kultrpg #battlesystem #DragonLance #conspiracyx
Fellow #DnD nerds. I enjoy #DnD5e and have had many fun experiences playing and (mostly) DM'ing the game. I have almost all the books but with #OneDnD on the horizon I'm not keen to buy publications that try to bridge the gap between it and 5th. All the exceptions and backward compatibility issues are going to be a headache. So I'm gonna sit tight until the new books come out. No #Dragonlance for me. (Even though I read and loved some of those books) What are you all doing?
#dnd #dnd5e #OneDND #DragonLance
@Mjack I’m considering whether I could make the case that #Krynn / #DragonLance also helped this trend along, w/ the differentiation of subgroups (Gully Dorfs v Hill Dwarfs) & bringing more monstrous species (minotaurs, hobgoblins) in to playable scope. Scrubbing at of not entirely removing the onus of racist alignment.
I don’t think it’s a strong case, it’s still steeped in racism.
"Papà, mi porti su al lago i libri della #DragonLance che voglio rileggerli?" #papàfelice
Ha letto le prime due trilogie, io le porto anche la terza e come bonus la Leggenda di Huma che vale proprio!