The kids’ #DungeonsandDragons Session 0.5 is ready. The party’s a few weeks out and today’s game is a solo one! I’ve hooked it into the larger plot and my kid is excited to play. The games are based on #DragonofIcespirePeak. Let the adventure begin! #TTRPGNextGeneration
#dungeonsAndDragons #DragonOfIcespirePeak #ttrpgnextgeneration
#dnd5e #TTRPG #dnd #Phandalin #LostMineofPhandelver #DragonofIcespirePeak
"The Road Through Kryptgarden" - travel through the domain of the ancient green dragon, Claugiyliamatar.
You mission, to find a new trade route through Kryptgarden Forest from Southkrypt to Westbridge.
Part 1 of the "Kryptgarden Trilogy".
A "Gold" Best Seller on #dmsguild
#dnd5e #ttrpg #DnD #phandalin #LostMineOfPhandelver #DragonOfIcespirePeak #dmsguild
#dnd #ttrpg #LostMineofPhandelver #DragonofIcespirePeak #DMsGuild
"Secret of Cragmaw Caves" - the Triboar Trail and High Road are beset by bandits. Revisit the iconic caves and solve the problem.
An "Electrum" Best Seller on DMS Guild
#DnD #ttrpg #LostMineOfPhandelver #DragonOfIcespirePeak #dmsguild
#dnd5e #TTRPG #dnd #Phandalin #LostMineofPhandelver #DragonofIcespirePeak #DMsGuild
"Beneath Southkrypt" - explore the ancient silver mine below the dwarven fortress. Does a vampire hill giant really reside there? What other secrets does it hold?
An "Electrum" Best Seller on DMs Guild.
#dnd5e #ttrpg #DnD #phandalin #LostMineOfPhandelver #DragonOfIcespirePeak #dmsguild
#dnd5e #TTRPG #dnd #Phandalin #LostMineofPhandelver #DragonofIcespirePeak #DMsGuild
"Return To Icespire Hold" - Travel across the Sword Mountains, revisit the iconic keep high in its peaks, and investigate its new residents.
A "Gold" Best Seller on DMs Guild.
#dnd5e #ttrpg #DnD #phandalin #LostMineOfPhandelver #DragonOfIcespirePeak #dmsguild
#dnd5e #TTRPG #dnd #Phandalin #LostMineofPhandelver #DragonofIcespirePeak #DMsGuild
"Halls of the Goblin King" - Travel across the Sword Mountains and deal with the self-styled Goblin King that has taken over Southkrypt, the ancient dwarven fortress.
A "Gold" Best Seller on DMs Guild
#dnd5e #ttrpg #DnD #phandalin #LostMineOfPhandelver #DragonOfIcespirePeak #dmsguild
#TTRPG #Dnd #dnd5e #Wotc #LostMineofPhandelver #DragonofIcespirePeak After playing the Lost Mine of Phandelver combined with Dragon of Icespire Peak, I continued the story for my players with a series of scenarios that I have also published on #DMsGuild
The first of these, "Halls of the Goblin King" is a Gold best seller and is available here:
#ttrpg #DnD #dnd5e #wotc #LostMineOfPhandelver #DragonOfIcespirePeak #dmsguild
Me and friends are playing #DnD #5e over on Twitch! Come watch over on the DM's channel as we play #DragonOfIcespirePeak!
#DnD #5e #DragonOfIcespirePeak
Alexandrian remix:
(cont.) that led the party into #Undermountain via the module #DungeonOfTheMadMage. With the faction missions from Dragon Heist and the megadungeon underneath the city, plus some plot hooks from the characters’ background, there was already a slew of adventures to choose from! But wait, there’s more! For some fun in the wilderness I added hooks to #LostMineOfPhandelver and #DragonOfIcespirePeak. It was great utilizing so many modules to give choice!
#undermountain #dungeonofthemadmage #LostMineOfPhandelver #DragonOfIcespirePeak
After being slain by the Heroes of Phandalin, Cryovain was brought back by a necromancer. Transformed into a Dragon Wraith, he now seeks revenge on those who slew him. #DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #Dragon #LostMineofPhandelver #DragonofIcespirePeak
#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #dragon #LostMineOfPhandelver #DragonOfIcespirePeak
@malin Thx for sharing this! This is a great way to organize some storytelling, without having to overdevelop details the players will never see or use!
I kind of stumbled my way into a similar (less organized) method. My first campaign was blending #LostMinesOfPhandelver & #DragonOfIcespirePeak & a homebrew plot thread involving a group of NPCs who are undermining each other, & seeking the PCs’ allegiances. Blending the starting modules made the town of Phandalin full of NPCs & choices.
#LostMinesOfPhandelver #DragonOfIcespirePeak