Satisfying. 🏓
Another incremental step: obstacles.
Finally added the ability to delete instructions. Ended up going with something very simple, for now.
Alright, finally added ability to complete a level and go to the next. Along with simple tutorial-ish levels to start. 🚙
Been tinkering, mostly internal stuff (like... detecting driving into the edge of the map). Decided to try out some floaty animation for the stars.
Updated "Sounds in DragonRuby" blog post to reflect new changes in #dragonruby 5.0:
Wrote up a new #dragonruby blog post discussing anchor points and use of easing for growing/shrinking a sprite:
#ruby #gamedev
Now able to add "items" to be picked up. (Also, added scroll buttons to the scrollable "program listing" so it can be scrolled...) #ruby #dragonruby
Moved things around more, plus the "program" area scrolls now. Trying to keep things "big" even when on a phone makes it tricky to arrange things.
Starting on shuffling UI elements around and hopefully making things prettier. Also, bigger tiles for the playing area.
Kind of minor but pretty important for a game... there is now a goal.
Kind of minor but pretty important for a game... there is now a goal.
Now the cars kind of "bounce" in as they are added along the bottom. This was actually more challenging than I expected - especially if you want to grow an image _past_ its final size and then shrink it back. Will probably have to write up something about that.
Getting back to this. Added a button to start/reset and nice smooth movement.
I post these tiny updates to encourage myself and hopefully give others an idea of how I try to build up these "games". Just one little piece at a time.
Put a car on it. Also refactored a bunch of code, but that's harder to visualize.
#dragonruby #ruby