(if the spiders are pink)
I LOVE Forsaken!
#worldofwarcraft #forsaken #Dragonflight #wow
Well, well, well .. if it isn't the frilliest of Deathlords!
I love the new Heritage Armour for Kaldorei.
#worldofwarcraft #nightelves #wow #Dragonflight #kaldorei
Finally I can build a convincing Blood Troll!
Weapon and shield are not final, but I am having a lot of good options here.
August Trading Post reward was not only one of the easiest and fastest to get so far, but also one of the nicest!
#worldofwarcraft #Dragonflight #wow #zandalari #troll
The Whelpcare-person in World of Warcraft gets it.
#worldofwarcraft #wow #Dragonflight
Qué estampa más bonita... Lástima que pasara lo que pasó después. No digo más para no spoilear, pero en cuanto vean la imagen, lo entenderán (la pongo en spoiler también por si acaso). #WoW #Dragonflight
El Amanecer del Infinito: una nueva era para las mazmorras de World of Warcraft
#Noticias #BlizzardEntertainment #Dragonflight #ElAmanecerInfinito #Megamazmorra #WorldOfWarcraft
#noticias #blizzardentertainment #Dragonflight #elamanecerinfinito #megamazmorra #worldofwarcraft
My #Forsaken #Rogue Nighthaunter (yes, he's made to look like Konrad Curze as an undead. And I was really surprised that the name wasn't taken) having fun in dark, depressing environments.
He's fun to play, but Rogue in #WorldOfWarcraft is no "brain AFK"-class for me. I have to be constantly 100% aware of the fights - have to chose when, where and how to start them to optimize output and avoid disaster.
I love Forsaken. Such an interesting race! Such compelling aesthetics!
#WoW #Dragonflight
#forsaken #Rogue #worldofwarcraft #wow #Dragonflight
My experience in #Dragonflight so far is to get into LFR, die almost instantly on every fight and then just get a bit of loot at the end. Meh, it all counts right? As long as I can experience each bit of content up to LFR level at least once that’s all I need out of it.
Attention, dragonriders! Dragonriding expansion underway outside Dragon Isles. Work-in-progress, stay tuned for updates. #Dragonflight #WoW
La actualización Ascuas de Neltharion para World of Warcraft Dragonflight ya está disponible en los servidores del juego.
#WorldofWarcraft #Dragonflight #Videojuegos
#worldofwarcraft #Dragonflight #videojuegos
RT by @Blizzard_Ent: The next chapter of #Dragonflight begins today. 🐉
Embers of Neltharion:
💎 New Zone: Zaralek Cavern
🔥 New Raid: Aberrus
⏳ New Mythic+ Dungeons
⚔️ PvP Season 2
🐉 And More!
Originally posted by: Blizzard Entertainment / @Blizzard_Ent@twitter.com
Y por fin cayó, lololololololooooo la Raszageth en heroico cayóóóó 🎵 🎶
#WoW: #Dragonflight - Kostenloses #Wochenende zum Testen der #Erweiterung
#wow #Dragonflight #wochenende #erweiterung #worldofwarcraft
RT by @Blizzard_Ent: Patch 10.0.7 of #Dragonflight is now live!
🏝️ New Zone – Forbidden Reach
🔑 New Challenges - Zskera Vaults
❕ New Story Quests
🛡️ Catch Up Gear
🐉 And More!
Originally posted by: Blizzard Entertainment / @Blizzard_Ent@twitter.com
¡Sí, sí, sí! ¡Rukhmar ya está aquí! ¡Después de AÑOS detrás de ella! ¡Qué alegríaaa!
Y ayer @Overlord_Eden y yo añadimos otra monturita más a nuestra colección.
Bueno, él 2 porque se llevó doble logro de monturas 😂
Algunos "filtros" de las búsquedas de jugadores para mazmorras míticas plus en #WoW me asustan... En otros estoy totalmente de acuerdo, como el de "No Kazzak", por experiencia propia, jajaja.
#DragonFlight: A weird one, I‘be found that with older #Fantasy/#SiFi books. Odd language at times makes the book feel like it is from another time. Was that the intent?
F’lar and Lessa are interesting and compelling characters, but they have faults. Lessa is impulsive, she has the right idea but her execution can be off. F’lar is smart and charismatic but he keeps things too close to his chest.
The books deals with gender roles in some interesting ways, I think mileage will vary on how well.
I’m really enjoying #Dragonflight but this expansion has been hell on my wrist.
Even doing simple things is quite painful on occasion and things like dragon flying races and the community feast almost always result in pain. As do quests which require near constant clicking.
I’ve intentionally been trying to reduce the time I play but the FOMO doesn’t help.