Come hang out while the crew as we play #Dragonlance!
The crew is in the Northern Wastes on the tails of Lord Soth and the Dragon Army. What will happen next? And do they actually *want* to find Lord Soth?!
#RPGaDAY2023 29. Most memorable encounter?
Es ist mir als SL mal gelungen, einen Charakter zu verführen in Gestalt eines Avatars der Göttin #Takhisis aus #Dragonlance. Der Spieler / der Charakter wusste über die volle Tragweite seines Handelns bescheid, und hat sich nach 2 Stunden Dialog ihr bewusst hingegeben und seine Kameraden hintergangen für das versprechen der ewigen Liebe. Ich war damals Stolz wie Bolle, dass mir das gelungen war 😎
#rpgaday2023 #takhisis #Dragonlance
@starhawk I didn't say it was "inconsequential." I said it wasn't the most popular gaming setting of its time, because it wasn't. #DragonLance wasn't even a proper "setting" for most of the 1980s. It was a series of adventures that delivered the setting in increments, almost nobody played anything but that series, and #ForgottenRealms stole the setting market basically as soon as it was released in 1987.
Nobody was trying to argue that #Dragonlance was bigger or more popular than FR ended up being, but in the mid 80s FR was just getting started.
To argue that DL was inconsequential as a game line when it pioneered the long-form, story-based, outside-the-dungeon campaign... well that's quite a hot take.
I do think TSR took DL out back and shot it when they tried to convert from D&D to SAGA, but that's neither here nor there.
@starhawk I don't know if that zoomer is entirely wrong, though. Even back in the 1990s, it seemed like #DragonLance sold a lot more novels than #TTRPG products. It was a huge success as a fiction brand, less so as a tabletop brand. (And I think just looking at the comparative size of their game lines shows DL couldn't have been more popular than #ForgottenRealms.)
#Dragonlance #ttrpg #forgottenrealms
Some zoomer on a local city Discord that I frequent just claimed that #Dragonlance was a "#TTRPG setting that never took off".
What the fuck world am I living in.
190 novels, 8 video games, and the favorite D&D setting of the 80s and early 90s. And it never took off.
Die #RPGaDay2023 Antwort 10: Favourite Tie-In Fiction ist schwierig, jede Welt ist anders. Die 2 ersten #Dragonlance Hardcover mochte ich sehr, aber auch die #Greyhawk Romane von #GaryGygax und #RoseEstes weil sie sich "nach D&D angefühlt" haben. Auf #Golarion mochte ich Varian Jeggare und Radovan von #DaveGross, noch mehr Winter Witch von #ElaineCunningham, die ja auch zu den #Drow in #ForgottenRealms schrieb. #Aventurien-Favorit? Jeweils der nächste. Nach Expurgico Bosparan von @Atalante #DSA
#rpgaday2023 #Dragonlance #Greyhawk #garygygax #roseestes #Golarion #davegross #elainecunningham #drow #forgottenrealms #Aventurien #dsa
I'm running Shadow of the Dragon Queen. I think the party is enjoying the experience and I'm having a great time sharing #dragonlance with them. Half of the party is the spouse and kids(21f&16m), while the rest are my kids' friends(19-21). They just escaped to Kalaman. I think I'll be running DL stories for many years to come.
That said, I'm starting to write down notes to run a #battletech rpg campaign around the Helm Memory Core. That one may end up being a online one though
In tonight's #Dragonlance #SotDQ game, the party ventured off into the unknown wilds and I got to pull out all my #WestMarches regional shenanigans. Foraging, navigating, experiencing deadly environments, it was great.
#Dragonlance #sotdq #westmarches
I haven’t had the courage to revisit #Dragonlance or the #Chronicles because I fear the Suck Fairy might have stopped by any given them a once over. I think I’ll just keep all the happy memories and leave it at that.
Incidentally, and because I was late to the party on this little fae creature:
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg
Day 10: favorite tie-in fiction
#Dragonlance …but ONLY for nostalgic reasons. We were kids with #Krynn Postermaps above our beds, reading through the #ADnD2E players guide until our eyes burnt (and thereby learned English terms for super obscure polearms), cried because of Sturm Brightblade (Solamniaaaaa…!!!), and modeled PCs after Raistlin, the original edgelord. Alas, I made the grave mistake to listen into a Dragonlance Audiobook a few years ago… 🫣
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #Dragonlance #Krynn #ADnD2E
10. Tie-in fiction
Like many, I don't have a lot of time for tie -in fiction. I have never found any that really wowed me, not in printed word, on screen or in audio.
I read the first two trilogies of Dragonlance and enjoyed them, but I was a pre-teen. Can't imagine I'd ever go back.
I collected the three novels written for Mutant Chronicles but never made it past the first. The comics were ok, but not awesome. The movie was 'interesting'. 1/n
#rpgaday2023 #Dragonlance #mutantchronicles
10) Favorite #TTRPG tie-in fiction
I'm not really a fan.
I did enjoy the 6-part short fiction pieces at the end of #Paizo's #PathfinderRPG adventure path issues, until they stopped including them in 2017. I read a few of the PF novels, but never got into them.
And when I was a kid, I liked the #DragonLance original trilogy, though when I re-read them in my 30s, I didn't think it held up.
But, in general, I don't care much about published settings' famous NPCs.
#ttrpg #paizo #pathfinderrpg #Dragonlance #rpgaday2023 #PFRPG #PF1e
Guten Morgen zusammen! Ich habe gestern Abend mit dem #Dragonlance Roman #DragonsOfDeceit begonnen. Auf English natürlich, weil es das #Buch (noch) nicht auf Deutsch gibt. 🙂
Ich wünsche euch allen einen angenehmen Tag! 🌞☕
#Dragonlance #dragonsofdeceit #Buch #Drachenlanze
Tag Cloud 4 Personal Reference
#WritingCommunity #WritersLife #Worldbuilding #3Kernels #WritingPrompt #Witchcraft #Pagan #Tarot #TTRPG #DnD #Dragonlance #AlchemyRPG #SecondLife #Planners #GTD #BulletJournal #Journaling #DarkAcademia #Steampunk #Celtic #Introvert #SelfCare #Wales #Feminism #NailArt #HandmadeJewelry #CardMaking #MixedMedia #MythologyMonday #FairytaleTuesday #WyrdWednesday #FolkloreThursday #FaustianFriday #SuperstitionSaturday #CaptainAmerica #WinterSoldier #BlackWidow
#writingcommunity #writerslife #worldbuilding #3kernels #writingprompt #witchcraft #pagan #tarot #ttrpg #DnD #Dragonlance #alchemyrpg #secondlife #planners #gtd #journaling #darkacademia #steampunk #celtic #introvert #wales #feminism #nailart #handmadejewelry #cardmaking #mixedmedia #mythologymonday #fairytaletuesday #WyrdWednesday #folklorethursday #FaustianFriday #superstitionsaturday #captainamerica #wintersoldier #BlackWidow #selfcare #bulletjournal
I must translate two #ttrpg aventures:
:dnd: A #Dragonlance story for 5e
:invertedpentagram: A one-shot for Call of #Cthulhu
But... lazyness...
I've added a Dragon Army sergeant named "The Anvil" to my #Dragonlance #DnD game. They are a max hp hobgoblin captain with a strength of 22, and they wield a custom weapon, "The War Anvil." I'm very excited to put them to use, and to see what the party tries to do with this weapon if/when they win it.
"Two. Not more than two."
- Bupu in #Dragonlance, Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Raistlin is a wonderful morally gray character. He can manipulate and con his way into almost any situation and turn it to his advantage. Dragons of the Hourglass Mage showcases him playing both sides, the light and dark, masterfully. #BookReview #books #Dragonlance @bookstodon
#bookreview #books #Dragonlance