Every now and then I have a #DragonsDen moment.
An AI system like #ChatGPT but designed to churn out total bollocks.
Ladies, gentlemen and others I introduce #CrapGPT.
I envisage the main customers to be UK tabloids and Fox News.
Get in early to invest.
#DragonsDen #chatgpt #crapgpt #satire
Deborah Meaden has written a book about dosh aimed at 6-9 year olds.
It's called "Why Money Matters"
"Mystified by money? Discover how it shapes the world we live in with Dragon's Den investor and entrepreneur DEBORAH MEADEN"
I asked Deborah nicely and she has very kindly agreed to SIGN copies of this for us.
You can pre-order SIGNED copies from us
So, that's pretty groovy, isn't it?
#DragonsDen #books #bgbookstuff
Watching #DragonsDen tonight, I was intrigued about the success rate of the investment(s) pledged in the 'Den'... so I was intrigued by the article below, which included (from 2021) the data point that up to that date (& imagine adding one more series to the data will not change it materially), only 50% of businesses got through due-diligence & investment(s) got made... there's other interesting stuff if you a DD fan. Enjoy the interactive table for focussed data
I am trying my hand at short fiction that touches on all my topics: sci-fi, AI, design, randomness, etc.
So far, this only been to…
* Medium https://medium.com/@christophernoessel/breaking-redfield-a-prologue-b2286d786cf5
* Escape Pod https://darkmattermagazine.com/authors/christopher-noessel/
* Dark Matter Magazine https://darkmattermagazine.com/authors/christopher-noessel/
All in the same diegesis. Love to hear what you think. More in progress with the #DragonsDen writer’s group through #Uncharted
Am I the only one watching old episodes of Dragons Den on YouTube??
Watched Dragons Den and then bought 3D pop-up chess. Looking forward to playing against my son (and losing!)
That was a spicy show tonight, @deborahmeaden
I was on the edge of my seat even more than usual.
E x
Depressing to see #DragonsDen putting money into nonsense crystals etc.. Particularly @DeborahMeaden@twitter.com. Where’s the science? Where’s the evidence? Quackery?
Today is just #dragon on lol.. but it's still pretty #chill
And oh, have another #sneekpeek at another #neatbeat that will be on my #newalbum #ComingSoon next month!!
#chilltrance #dragonking #dragonsden #dragons #firebreathing #sundayfunday #lolz
#dragon #chill #sneekpeek #neatbeat #newalbum #ComingSoon #chilltrance #dragonking #DragonsDen #dragons #firebreathing #sundayfunday #lolz
Today is just #dragon on lol.. but it's still pretty #chill
And oh, have another #sneekpeek at another #neatbeat that will be on my #newalbum #ComingSoon next month!!
#chilltrance #dragonking #dragonsden #dragons #firebreathing #sundayfunday #lolz
#dragon #chill #sneekpeek #neatbeat #newalbum #comingsoon #chilltrance #dragonking #DragonsDen #dragons #firebreathing #sundayfunday #lolz
As #COP27 begins in Egypt, the podcast I make with Deborah Meaden from #DragonsDen has a special episode looking at what COP is, what might be achieved and how far the UK has got with l its climate change pledges. We interview the chair of the Climate Change Committee Chris Stark. Check out the Big #GreenMoneyShow on #BBCSounds or wherever you get your podcasts
#BBCSounds #GreenMoneyShow #DragonsDen #cop27